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Hi guys of Nsane Down.

The site seems to be very slow surfing here from the UK. Its not my internet as my Speedtest.net results are over excellent.

Try going to public_html/conf_global.php Then enter this

$INFO['use_eaccelerator'] = '1';


$INFO['mysql_tbl_type'] = 'MyISAM';

Please try some other ways Hate forums being slow :/

- Ash.

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I'm not noticing any issues here, but i will adjust some server side settings over the next few days to re-optimize things. IPB3 has very different requirements to IPB2 which the server was optimized for.

On a side note we don't use eAccelerator, so that isn't going to help.

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Well as I have mentioned on another thread -

@Staff: I'm havin problems even usin nsaneforums. I have to click a link a 5-10 times to make it open or even post usin a post button. I can easily open any other sites.

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Pretty big problems experienced over here as well, although they periodically appear and disappear ;)

Don't know if it's still this way, it seems Lite made some changes, I'll investigate.

Edit: Investigated and I believe the forums are working properly again.

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As said in the other topic, we're working on sorting the issues out. You are going to have to be patient :)

K, glad to hear that.. Noticing some probs here too.. It takes forever to post a new topic. :\

I can't even make a topic telling you guys that I'm back from Barcelona :(

Meh.. what's with the frontpage btw?

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Yes Lite has made some changes. The pages loads faster now. No problems experienced at current movement. :)

@Lee: I have a lot of patience in me. I know you are(includin staff) workin hard on the problems, mainly about frontpage, and I really appreciate it. :)

EDIT: I had problem for postin this post. Same problem I mentioned before.

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Well as I have mentioned on another thread -

@Staff: I'm havin problems even usin nsaneforums. I have to click a link a 5-10 times to make it open or even post usin a post button. I can easily open any other sites.

i noticce that for the main forum page. but if i use my history and c;lick on one of the message subjects it works. i just figure you was diong maintenance or was being hit

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