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What happened last night?


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The Frontpage is still down, this is nsane.

Someone nsane must be working to fix nsane, otherwise everyone will soon go nsane. :lol:

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  • Administrator

@Staff: I'm havin problems even usin nsaneforums. I have to click a link a 5-10 times to make it open or even post usin a post button. I can easily open any other sites.

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Yeah, I'm experiencing the same problems also...

I'm off anyhow, but I can assure you our admins are doing their best to fix this ;)

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  • Administrator

Yea that's what I thought. I asked another member on msn but he reported it's properly workin for him.

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  • Administrator

Give me 5-10 mins to check it properly. Well I cleared my cache, removed all the cookies of this site. Done everythin I can, a min ago. Will tell you fast about the problem. But the pages indeed load faster now.

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  • Administrator

OK now. Workin great. More faster than, after the upgrade. No problem what so ever for openin any links so far. Thanx Lite. :D

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what is going on with the frontpage? last nigth it was working again and today is not working...

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Getting now some other page:

Apache is working on your cPanel® and WHM™ Server

If you can see this page, then the people who manage this server have installed cPanel and WebHost Manager (WHM) which use the Apache Web server software and the Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl) successfully. They now have to add content to this directory and replace this placeholder page, or else point the server at their real content.

Looks like servers.down.com :)

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  • Administrator

Either staffs are upgradin somethin there or the nsaneproxy server is down.

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I think our host managed to solve their problems but in the process they've undone some settings, as soon as one of our Admins has a look at it we'll know more ;)

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  • Administrator

Just be patient. We all know that Admins have better experience than us. So lets see if they desperately change the server or wait till the current server comes up again. :)

I think they will continue to do the second one.

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  • Administrator

The server is on-line and has been on-line for most of the "downtime", it just need something to run its course.

I think we can go "live" again very soon.

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  • Administrator

I didn't understood it. If so why is the frontpage down?

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