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K-Lite v2.7.2 Final


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how many times did you 'search more' for each file, before downloading? cause i'd recommend searching 3-5 times, jump supernodes, search again, jump again and so on. that way you've built up quite a large source list before you actual start downloading the file (as the 'find more sources' option on the download screen is limited to 30sec...and hardly returns anything after each attempt) :)

the program is still useful for those who don't understand emule (having to pick servers and all), bittorrent, newsgroups and all that complicated stuff. plus it's good for porn and other rare files, and i'm talkin "it's bleeding all over the counter" rare (ie. something you'd NEVER find on emule or something) :P

btw, another way to avoid faked sources is to use the new 'download by hash' feature. which uses a better hash check to prevent corrupted sources from sending you bad data. example, usefull if a file's been corrupted and there's still some real sources online...just highlight the good sources > right click > download by hash :think:

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  • 2 months later...

gosh I still have nsane v2.459 of Kazaa Lite K++ installed ..I just fired her up only to see it won't connect anymore which I'm sure since a year or so has passed that the link that this old version connects to has changed?

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Thank you Lite, yes that's right I remember that fix now but mine was from more than a year ago and I see this reg has much more entries in it now.

It worked fine, thanks

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  • Administrator

If you EVER have connection problems just download another copy of the file. Its updated several times daily with ALWAYS working supernodes.

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Thanks Lite - understood and will always get the latest atest supernodes reg.

As mentioned I'm still using nsane's version v2.459 of Kazaa Lite K++ and it still works fine and I like it. I see the link in his OP above for the current version K-Lite v2.7.2 Final is not working in the last few days - my question is did nsane rework that one too, and is there another download link for it? Is there also a link to the Release Notes where I can read all the changes since my old v2.459 version.

I'd just like to see if I really need to upgrade since mine is working fine - except the badipupdater on it is a p.i.t.a and never worked right and I always have to do that manually. (which I just downloaded what 'I think' is the 'correct' latest BannedipRanges.txt, which I go to bluetack.co.uk site which gives a saunalahti link and that gives me the splist.txt and I just rename that to BannedipRanges.txt ..surly there has to be an easier way for me to do that?

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I guess most of my answers was in the link in your sig, and where it can bring me too ..

I'm wondering if the klite272.exe I just downloaded from klite.com is nsane's version, or is the one at nsanes link his or the same thing?


Okay today I noticed nsane's page is back and I got his version again. thnx

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok..i am having a problem w/ 2.7.2...

it doesnt connect...AT ALL!

even when i reinstalled the older RC1 version that it was working just fine with me...it didnt connect either...

so did the kazupernodes...

i have mcafee personal firewall...i checked it and i found that everything is allowed...

i dont have privacy service..and the antivirus - as far as i believe - didnt talk much about any viruses lately...

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yes..i've recently knew that...thats why i wrote in bold...but i cant delete the post..

anywho..it did work with me..yet i can figure out why when i connect on a supernode using kazupernodes.....it doesnt connect..when i restarted the progream and remerged the file..it worked..

so does that mean that everytime i wnat to connect to klite...i'd merge the file?

and what about kazupernodes?...does that also mean that i must stop using it?

plz reply

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  • 1 year later...

Problem: I just downloaded klite272nsane.exe, and Avast detected a trojan, so I had to abort.

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