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K-Lite v2.7.2 Final


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K-Lite.pngBased on KMD 2.7.2, K-Lite 2.7 adds many features to the rather limited ones of KaZaA. Some of its more favourable features are a built in IP Blocker, advanced right click menu, built in accelerator, multi-tab autosearch more, custom icons, built in toolbar, "Jump Supernode" fuction (using softjump - doesnt interfere with downloads/uploads), expanded tray menu, forced viewing of traffic and search, Custom start pages, built in GUI hacker, NO adverts, custom about box and many more. Some features this version has that others dont, are that is has tabbed searches, "single click" downloads, forced viewing of traffic/search and advanced options for "Find more sources".


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Okay I'm getting an error when I try to run K-lite.

It says: K-Lite has detected traffic.core is NOT present in the K-Lite installation folder.

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add the k-lite folder to the exclusion list of your anti-virus/spyware app. don't worry tho, the loader only pulls what it needs from the file so the spyware part is basiclly blocked :lol:

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you need to re-install k-lite, the file got deleted. might be worth checking quaintine tho :lol:

and if you're using NOD32, disable spyware detection during installation...as it only compares the file's SOURCE folder to the exclusion list, not the destination...

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you need to re-install k-lite, the file got deleted. might be worth checking quaintine tho :lol:

and if you're using NOD32, disable spyware detection during installation...as it only compares the file's SOURCE folder to the exclusion list, not the destination...

What if I renable the option for spyware/adware, wouldn't it then delete the file again?

Nevermind, I was able to make it work.

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you need to re-install k-lite, the file got deleted. might be worth checking quaintine tho :lol:

and if you're using NOD32, disable spyware detection during installation...as it only compares the file's SOURCE folder to the exclusion list, not the destination...

What if I renable the option for spyware/adware, wouldn't it then delete the file again?

Nevermind, I was able to make it work.

yea...did a reinstall with antivirus turned off.... worked......

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OK did Kazaa finally do anything to fix the hash expliot? Just wundering. I may have to play with this one again.

that was fixed starting with versions 2.5X or 2.6X (sometime around then)

it uses MD5 based kzhash also now

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Haven't used any of the k-life flavors in over a year, been using more of limewire and shareaza... is kazaa still decent? Does it have loads more fake files now? I do remember that this was the best k-like cleint to use though.

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It still has fake files but the fake file analizer helps a lot. The network is pretty large so you so can find a lot of decent files... old files too.

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OK did Kazaa finally do anything to fix the hash expliot? Just wundering. I may have to play with this one again.

that was fixed starting with versions 2.5X or 2.6X (sometime around then)

it uses MD5 based kzhash also now

a 2.4.2 or 2.4.3 user??? ;)

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OK did Kazaa finally do anything to fix the hash expliot? Just wundering. I may have to play with this one again.

that was fixed starting with versions 2.5X or 2.6X (sometime around then)

it uses MD5 based kzhash also now

Good to hear. I think a lot of people have been taken away from Kazaa even the new versions because of fear of lawsuits.

Oh as for the reply above mine I can only say one thig to answer the fake file question. If the hash has truely been fixed then of course less fakes.

Yes I love LimeWire and BearShare as well with the secure channels turned on. However Kazaa could prove useful again because many of the lamers who don't check to see if programs are fixed may assume they will never have the app fixed and go away. This could prove very well for the true savy person who may try again when the kids are gone. Hence less fakes. All I can say is try it and see what happens. Let me know as well what you find out.

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Most fakes are also detected by the fake anylysis feature of K-Lite v2.7.2 . So even if there are fake files in your search... run the analyser and you'll know which files are most likely the fakes.

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OK I finally got brave and tested Kazaa again. I remember now why I left at this point this is what I got:

The Fake Analyzer works good however when I tried to search and Download songs by Queen it always said Need More Sources. I think the Fast Track network is a lost cause now. The use of Kazaa reminds me of Edonkey where the content is scarce and when you do get the content to finally Download its slower than snot. That was the thing about Fast Track I hated. Also could be that I have a router as well. FrostWire has much faster speeds and more content without the hastle. Even Ares is better than FT now. I'd almost consider changing the client to use the GiFT network as even that was faster and without the hastle of the fakes.

The program (Thanks Nsane) worked great without errors and of course as always No Spyware. was clean and has a nice Banned IP app and the Mp3 shield as I remembered from the days when I used the client. You can also configure it to share folders from a different drive like FrostWire and it has the Participation level set at the highest setting. Its a great hack but too bad the network now sucks. I don't know if it will ever be good again but it was nice to Reminisce about the old days when I spent several hours on this network. It also reminds me of why I started using Nsane's site and trusted any crack/hack/Mod from Nsane before anyone else.

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