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ESET Smart Security 4.0.467


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I find that eset destroys the ability to see other computers and do filesharing in xp and 7, without major hoop jumping in the setup. Is this fixed.

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I'd like to see a serious comparison between Business and Home in performance and detection/security.

Also... one doubt that kills me: is there any way to prevent ESS eating so much CPU while scanning EXEs ? I download or copy or rename uTorrent.exe (ultrasmall 250KB installer) and it takes 5 seconds to let CPU at low level. Same situation with many small installers (NSIS installers for example). It even slows me when i try to see a folder with many installers and Explorer is loading their icons. Stupid KIS is light in that, but when you want to execute an EXE for the first time, it takes tons of years analyzing it.

This is the only thing i don't like from ESS, the rest is very good. I've tried unchecking several things, but i haven't seen any difference.

I'm in a 5-years old PC with XP, but i've tested it in a laptop with C2D and it's the same thing (1 core at 100%, the other one at ~0%).

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I find that eset destroys the ability to see other computers and do filesharing in xp and 7, without major hoop jumping in the setup. Is this fixed.

ESS firewall asks for strict or relaxed sharing when it finds a new network.

You have to relax the firewall to share printers and folders.

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I'd like to see a serious comparison between Business and Home in performance and detection/security.

Also... one doubt that kills me: is there any way to prevent ESS eating so much CPU while scanning EXEs ? I download or copy or rename uTorrent.exe (ultrasmall 250KB installer) and it takes 5 seconds to let CPU at low level. Same situation with many small installers (NSIS installers for example). It even slows me when i try to see a folder with many installers and Explorer is loading their icons. Stupid KIS is light in that, but when you want to execute an EXE for the first time, it takes tons of years analyzing it.

This is the only thing i don't like from ESS, the rest is very good. I've tried unchecking several things, but i haven't seen any difference.

I'm in a 5-years old PC with XP, but i've tested it in a laptop with C2D and it's the same thing (1 core at 100%, the other one at ~0%).

Okay are you using FF3 when downloading? and in your settings what you need to look for is overlapping options in active file monitoring and web access protection...or basically if your scanning everything coming in throughly you may not need to set up certain areas as strong, except when you set your settings for doing drive scans and cleanings.. though you do want take your time.. because you don't want to open a whole, when trying to work the bottle necks out of this area..

The reason I asked about FF3, is because FF3 scans a file no mater what when it is done..then if you have web access protection...ad active file monitoring .. your looking at three running scans with access to the same file..all at once.. so essentially you can disable this feature with FF.. and then just use your web access protection for this areas..

On the file browsing note Windows main folder and system32 always do this no matter what you do..on other areas there may be a slight pause and this is because every file that is access for information and is interacting with explorer.exe will be scanned.. and monitored.. this is good to have but like I said before you can have this area doubled up too..

The problem actually comes from the flexibility of the program and its ability to adjust to different levels of protection and system needs.. so unless you really get your head wrapped around those settings you may not get the problem resolved..and may actually make yourself vulnerable..

Should also check your system defrag, and your file log maintenance both elements can cause the program to consume more resources and be slow..along with incorrect registry entries for files that don't exist any longer.. I fund this out by having an external which isnt scanned, but acts as a rotating archive.. Files move like crazy, yet for each file a registry entry is made.. so these need to be cleaned out periodically.. the same for CD/DVD drives.. file references essentially...

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I use SeaMonkey 2 (same core as Ff3.5, different UI and application additions), but i don't think it's internet browser related.

I only wanted to mean when that file is created, copied, renamed, extracted from a ZIP,... the CPU level raises at 100% for about 5 seconds (same case as downloading that file). And when i was talking about slow folder navigation, i was referring to folders with many EXEs, like installers. Regular EXEs (not installer, not UPX-compressed) don't take much time to get their icon shown.

I have default settings, the only thing i don't liked is the "potentially unwanted applications" check, so i removed that check on installation. But i've tried several things in settings and it doesn't get improved.

I haven't understand last paragraph... i use Ultimate Defrag regularly, but what is File log / file references ? I also use RegVac/CCleaner to remove shit.

I'd like if people with default settings test that with uTorrent installer. Just copy installer and paste it 4 or 5 times quickly (Ctrl+V to do that). And check CPU usage in that moment.

PS: KIS scans one file one time and then i guess it calculates its hash to avoid further scans. When you want to execute it for first time, then it seems to do a deep scan in the EXE (and it's veeeeeeeeery slooooooooow in that), but again, it seems to store its hash for that file so it will never slow down further scans. I've finished hating KIS for that and many other things (i tried it for 3 months) such as application surveillance and key licensing. Anyway, when navigating folders with KIS, Explorer is very fast due to that. The same case when copying, renaming, moving,... but in certain moments (for example, when installing programs) i wanted to kill it forever (as i did xD).

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File Log references in ESET. There are a few places in the settings that can inhibit the size and will automatically optimize your logs...

BTW .. uT.. has always been a pain when its downloaded..for me..no matter what I was using.. even GDATA..

You can disable the unpacking of installers and exe's in ESET's settings.. quite easily ...though I never recommend doing it.

I still suggest going through there and setting it up from front to back.. not missing anything.. You may have to turn off an option in several different levels to improve the situation..and then what I typed up above will make sense..:)

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ESET Antivirus Licence Finder (MiNODLogin) v3.5.8.9 :

Site: http://rapidshare.com
Sharecode: /files/284554565/ESET_Antivirus_Licence_Finder__MiNODLogin__3.5.8.9.rar

It is certainly very easy to re-post someone else's material. It is not so easy to be the first ;) ; and that goes for the minodlogin and the Eset Smart Business!!!

Besides I had posted the minodlogin v. a few weeks ago separetedly in the subforum Software news.

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As I promised, I am adding the Spanish version too. That because Nsanedown is an international forum and secondly because I'd like to show you all my posting style in southern territories ;) !!


Eset Smart Security BUSINESS 32/64bits

v. 4.0.467.0 En ESPAÑOL



ESET Smart Security integra las conocidas cualidades de ESET NOD32 Antivirus junto a efectivos módulos antispam y firewall en una solución unificada de protección proactiva contra todo tipo de amenazas informáticas, ideal para ambientes corporativos de toda envergadura al incluirse junto a la completa consola de administración ESET Remote Administrator.

Imagine una solución todo en uno, rápida, eficiente, fácil de usar, que no interfiera con las tareas diarias de los usuarios de su red y que pueda ser administrada por ud. donde sea, cuando sea. Eso es ESET Smart Security.

* Solución Unificada: ESET Smart Security Business Edition incluye antivirus, antispyware, antispam y firewall, en una única aplicación unificada, optimizando el uso de los recursos de los equipos informáticos y de la red.

* Actualización y Administración Centralizada: Con ESET Remote Administrator, Ud. podrá administrar los antivirus instalados en su red, tanto en estaciones de trabajo, monitorear su estado de protección y actualizarlos en forma centralizada y programada, reduciendo la carga de su red gracias a las actualizaciones incrementales de ESET.

Y no sólo eso, ESET Smart Security Business Edition incorpora otras importantes funcionalidades como integración con ESET SysInspector, el nuevo ESET SysRescue, tecnología Self-Defense y Anti-Stealth,y es compatible con Windows 7.



Cambios en ESET Smart Security 4.0.467:

• Fijada: inyección de controlador externo en ESET SysRescue en Microsoft Windows 7 RC se produce un error cuando se selecciona esta opción en el modo avanzado del Asistente de ESET SysRescue

• Fijada: error enviar un archivo a través de "Enviar a" en el menú contextual. El problema sólo se produce en la combinación de Microsoft Windows XP y Microsoft Outlook 2003 cuando no se está ejecutando el proceso de Microsoft Outlook.

• Fijada: Mozilla Thunderbird con cuenta IMAP se congela cuando se recibe un mensaje cargado de virus

• Mejorada: compatibilidad con sistemas operativos de servidor

• Mejorada: análisis de compatibilidad HTTP

• Otras reparaciones menores y mejoras

Página de Eset: h**p://www.eset.com


Licence finder de lujo:

Minodlogin v. último



MiNODLogin es una pequeña aplicación que nos ayudara a tener al día nuestro antivirus ESET, ya sea Smart Security y NOD32 Antivirus.

En el inicio chequea si la licencia que tienes sigue siendo válida, si no es así, busca e instala otra licencia automáticamente, así tienes tu NOD actualizado y registrado como legal..

Este es la mejor manera de tener nuestro antivirus actualizado, porque los cracks, patches,etc., modifican el registro.

MiNODLogin es el método para tener nuestro antivirus como si fuera 100% legal (por el uso de licencias) y evitamos que se nos cuele un virus, troyano o cualquiera de esos especímenes buscado keys en páginas peligrosas

Guía de uso

1º Instalalo, no vas a tener problemas.

2º Aparece un icono en el escritorio color amarillo, le das click.

3º Es un dispositivo Java, de manera que si no lo tenés instalado no va a funcionar. En tal caso visitá el sitio oficial Java Sun y descargalo , es gratuito.

4º Al darle click el dispositivo te instala una licencia.

5º La licencia dura unos cuantos días, más que antes.

6º Luego de varios días vas a notar que al encender tu PC el antivirus no actualiza automáticamente.

7º Le das click al icono/ojo amarillo y te instala la licencia nuevamente.

8º Si no quieres que empiece al arrancar Windows lo puedes controlar con Tune Up,(o al instalar te da también tal opción).

9º Incluye un explorador de licencias que puedes utilizar a gusto, descúbrelo:



1.- No usar fix ya que cambia los registros de actualización a Trial

2.- No usar cracks ya que modifican archivos exe, dll, registros y

desestabilizan los archivos originales.

Además no usar fix ni patch alguno sobre el antivirus para el Minodlogin funcione como es debido. Si tienes otro minodlogin más viejo es recomendable desinstalarlo primero.

Las nuevas características son:

* Funciona con la autodefensa de la versión 4 de ESET activada.

* No requiere privilegios de administrador (ni elevación en Vista).

* Soporte para Windows x86 y x64.

Disponible en:

* Español.

* Inglés.

* Portugués.

* Francés.

* Checo.

Las tres mejoras se deben a que he actualizado el método con el cual se inserta la licencia, ahora utiliza la misma ventana de la consola del antivirus, simulando al usuario cuando ingresa una licencia manualmente. Por esta razón, puede ser que vean “destellar” una ventana.

LINK (32bits) :

Site: http://rapidshare.com
Code: /files/284608022/E.S.S.be-32-_4.0.467.0.ESP.Sidd.rar

LINK (64bits) :

Site: http://rapidshare.com
Code: /files/284620746/E.S.S._b.e.-64-_4.0.467.0_ESP._Sidd.rar

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File Log references in ESET. There are a few places in the settings that can inhibit the size and will automatically optimize your logs...

BTW .. uT.. has always been a pain when its downloaded..for me..no matter what I was using.. even GDATA..

You can disable the unpacking of installers and exe's in ESET's settings.. quite easily ...though I never recommend doing it.

I still suggest going through there and setting it up from front to back.. not missing anything.. You may have to turn off an option in several different levels to improve the situation..and then what I typed up above will make sense..:)

I'd like to insist, it's not internet traffic related. I use uTorrent and it goes great. Anyway, following your suggestion, i've deleted logs and set 7 days only to retain those logs.

But the actual problem is accessing, copying, renaming,... certain EXEs, such as uTorrent installer or GPU-Z (and several more). I've seen the problem disappears if i uncheck only 1 option ("Real-time Filesystem Protection" -> Analize: "While creating a file"), but that option is maybe too important to uncheck it. In ThreatSense settings, i don't see anything important, as i tried to unckeck Heuristic and Adware/Spyware and nothing changes. So i guess the problem is unpacking those files in memory by ESS.

I liked UPX, but some years ago i understood that a bunch of bytes saved don't deserve a heavy scan by your security solution. Same with 7-Zip/LZMA installers, how much they save compared with classic ZIP-compression installers? And how much it take to scan them ?

Finally, i'd like if people could confirm that problem (Just copy uTorrent installer and paste it 5 times with Ctrl+V, then quickly check CPU usage to check if one core raises up to 100% for 10-15 seconds).

Many thanks anyway for your valuable time ;)

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