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Sage 50 Premiun 2016 Installer download links


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I bought Sage 50 premium 2016 and installed it  in my PC back to 2016.

Recently bought a new PC with Windows 10 and when tried to install Sage 50 premium 2016 found out that the original disks are corrupted.

Is there a link to where I can download a copy of this disk, I have the license number and paid for it. Thanks.


Ps called Sage but they told me that since I do not bought them from Sage they can not help.

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Installer's .exe


ftp://mail.cot.ch/software/Sesam und Sage 50/




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Sage is a disgusting company, a total scam. Every year they increase their prices and force upgrades else they annoy you with ads and notifications to upgrade. When you call Sage tech support you wait hours and sometimes get a message that the queue is full and to call back later, online chat is just as useless. Quickbooks is no better. I suggest moving to a different software like Account Edge.


Anyway here is the download link to Sage 50 Premium 2016 US edition.


Good luck, just enter your license info during install and it will work. If not, you will have to retrieve your activation code by logging into their dog shit portal that ONLY works correctly in INTERNET EXPLORER, that's to tell you how much dog shit is the company Sage.

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Thanks to @LeetPirate and @NokiAlpha finally installed my Sage 50 Premiun- 2016.

Found out that for Windows 10 installation there is bug:


Installation freezes on Step 1 of 3 installing Integration Services on a Windows 10 computer







Option I:

  1. Open the Task Manager and select Details
  2. Locate the SilentSetup_English_Full_Release.exe
  3. Right-click on it and click End task
  4. Click Yes to confirm and the install will continue
  5. Close the Task Manager and finish the installation




Sage 50 Crashing After Windows 10 Update
  • Right-click the Sage 50 Accounting icon on your desktop and select properties.
  • Click the Compatibility tab.
  • Check the box located in the Compatibility mode section and select Windows 8 from the drop down menu.
  • Click OK to save your change and close the Properties window.


Hope this helps others.


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