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WinRAR 5.60 Beta 1


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WinRAR is a powerful archive manager providing complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z archives. Its RAR format may only take second place for its level of compression – but it is consistently the fastest when it comes to both packing and unpacking files. While RAR files are not native to Windows or Mac, many other compression programs are still capable of unpacking it. WinRAR is available on Windows, OSX, and Linux, despite the name.

Thanks to ARMOUR for the update.


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1 hour ago, T3rM1nat0Rr3 said:

Unlimited Company Licence Keygen:

None sense ! There no Such name,

This  is FFF Keygen!

1 hour ago, T3rM1nat0Rr3 said:

Site: https://www.upload.ee

Sharecode: files/8161923/WRARKUCL.rar.html


Password: RyWrB859fUFwvxcUGCu1UO

*Note: / is added automatically when clicking the Site link*

When are you going to learn ?

No!  / is Not added automatically when clicking the Site link !

Just add the daam thing. :coolwink:

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24 minutes ago, hacker7 said:

No!  / is Not added automatically when clicking the Site link


It does on Firefox.




I notice it doesn't on Google Chrome though (although I only tried with 47.x) :D

So I'll amend future links ;)

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1 hour ago, hacker7 said:

No!  / is Not added automatically when clicking the Site link !

Just add the daam thing. :coolwink:


It is added to almost all browsers and of most used Edge. Why you not like to add slash manually? Instead all people should delete it with precise by point the cursor between two slashes. I know we all can copy on half, but I think this is not practical and it is not a way to make it hard for most people. :unsure:

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12 minutes ago, BTJB said:


It is added to almost all browsers and of most used Edge. Why you not like to add slash manually? Instead all people should delete it with precise by point the cursor between two slashes. I know we all can copy on half, but I think this is not practical and it is not a way to make it hard for most people. :unsure:

For those who don't have it, they copy the whole link as usell and other should  copy without slash. 

Not sure now! Are with or against? confuse :think:


anyhow :blink:


FFF keygen Incl Themes 

Site: https://www.upload.ee

Sharecode:? /files/8170729/Winrar.rar.html


Ps:- This an universal link for all browsers. 

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The nSane ShareCode system has carried a bug — it has always put the trailing slash at the incorrect position.


The correct position should've been:—


Site: https://www.domain.com/

Sharecode: sample/only/file.rar

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Make that slash up or leave it down! Don't matter as long as it exist for members to see and  choose to copy or what ever.



Alternative keygen would be 



Site: https://www.upload.ee

Sharecode:? /files/8170813/WinRar_KeYGeN_by_CORE._Mod._Not_false_antivirus.rar.html


PS. With keygen removed protector

Shared by @kalach 

IN old thread , witch may not come up in forum search!


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8 minutes ago, dcs18 said:

The nSane ShareCode system has carried a bug


Take it easy, Man !

Is so funny for me that some do not understand how that script worked and they are still adding "?" which meant a link to shought`s topic in which explaind how the system worked...:tooth:


Otherwise, they think about themself that are big experts in whatever....:lmao:

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And I was just wondering when @MasterSoda would show up! :tehe:

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For those who care enough — absence of a trailing slash at the end of an URL could potentially cause a (unsafe) redirect and is slower than an URL containing a trailing backlash.


For those who do not care enough — there's a valid & compelling reason why some folks here, were addressed as a Don'tCare. :sneaky:


For those who do care — Why Do URLs Often End With a Slash?

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Always is cool to see how @sucker7 shows off.8)
More fun is needed....:lmao:


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3 minutes ago, Recruit said:

More fun is needed....:lmao:


I know that fun is your purpose here in forum but members have also other purposes .

Like sharing knowledge for instants `?


At least @dcs18 said something useful.

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52 minutes ago, dcs18 said:

The nSane ShareCode system has carried a bug — it has always put the trailing slash at the incorrect position.


The correct position should've been:—


Site: https://www.domain.com/

Sharecode: sample/only/file.rar

There's one additional drawback to posting (ShareCoded content,) when placing the trailing slash at the incorrect position — some sites (such as the popular file host — MediaFire,) would cause the following error page due to a double trailing slash as illustrated below:—





If you don't believe it — try downloading a test file with the trailing slash missing at the end of the following URL (as generally ShareCoded out here):—


Site: http://www.mediafire.com
Sharecode: /file/vrmx7jb8kdvxa2x/Test__(Trailing_Slash).rar


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9 minutes ago, dcs18 said:

Site: http://www.mediafire.com
Sharecode: /file/vrmx7jb8kdvxa2x/Test__(Trailing_Slash).rar


Good good knowledge :hypocrite: 

I have made my point and so did you. Unless you have another purpose of repeating the same over and over.

To be fair to all users Try that link in Chrome. and post the result in here.

And it's a good thing mediafire is not that popular here among nsaners  .

  Unless @Go2Crck is releasing something pretty soon. 

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Trust me . . . . . I'm not trying to make a point — in fact, was seriously wanting to post my previous piece on The Playground.


Also, this definitely isn't between you and me — could rather suit others who post a lot of ShareCoding and then those who use the same for downloads (me — I belong to neither category . . . . . as you must've noticed.) ;)

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6 minutes ago, dcs18 said:

Trust me . . . . .

I trust you! In fact i like seeing you on top those latest days :coolwink: Even if you don't care about such things.

Keep it up.

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7 hours ago, VandIT said:

WinRAR 5.60 Beta 1 by Repacks.de
Supported languages: de,en,es,fr,nl,ru


I wonder where you got NL version from; installer hasn't been released yet (as far as I know)

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2 hours ago, dcs18 said:

The correct position should've been:—


Site: https://www.domain.com/

Sharecode: sample/only/file.rar


Although Firefox will add the slash automatically, I've just tried with Google Chrome 47.x and it ignores the slash.

Do later versions of Google Chrome acknowledge it?

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By the way - always regularly download one same version at any time you like, because the developer like silently to replace their product without changing the version and without any warning! They changed version 5.50 after 3 months because of totally crash bug which made the program completely unable to work. The problem was in RarLng.dll which seems something related to languages and interface.

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6 minutes ago, Skunk1966 said:

I wonder where you got NL version from; installer hasn't been released yet (as far as I know)


Probably the language files ( "rar.lng" and "rarext.lng" ) from the previous version were used...

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Just now, WALLONN7 said:


Probably the language files ( "rar.lng" and "rarext.lng" ) from the previous version were used...

that's what I'm thinking aswell

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