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New perplexing Optical Illusion is doing the rounds


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It‘s already viral, Some, apparently the majority, find it highly frustrating.


This looks like a brick wall with gaps, but actually there’s something unusual about it. Can you spot it? First have a go.




If you’re asking about me, well, I couldn't see it for the life of me. But knowing the solution, now I can’t “unsee” it.


If you can’t see it, look at the clue below.


Clue (Highlight to see it)

There’s actually a cigar sticking out of the wall. Can you see it now?


If you still can’t find it, you’re not alone. So here’s the solution:


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Here's another recent one that's become viral. The two images are identical.


Tho' the street on the right looks like branching off that on the left, the two streets are actually parallel. Some people found this hard to believe and superimposed the images to convince themselves. 
Personally, I also get the impression the image on the right is a bit narrower, this is a "bonus" illusion just for me. :)

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