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The best free password manager and generator 2018


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The best free password manager and generator 2018

Create secure passwords and protect your accounts from attack



With passwords, plenty of people are tempted to use the same password for everything. And while this makes it easy to remember your logins, it leaves you vulnerable to attack if even one of your accounts is compromised. Then again, using a different password for dozens of accounts can make it hard to keep track of all the disparate logins. There is a solution to both of these issues, thankfully – the best free password managers can make your life easier and more secure.


These brilliant managers generate strong and unique passwords – using upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters, so that you don’t have to.


The best password managers then encrypt and store these passwords in a secured vault that’s protected by a master password, meaning you only have to remember one password. Once you’re logged into the manager, these programs will automatically fill your username and password each time you visit a site that requires them – taking the guessing game out of surfing the internet.


Some of the best free password managers will store your encrypted login info in a vault on your hard drive, while others will upload your details to their own servers. With this list, we’ve gathered the best of both worlds in order to bring you a comprehensive list of the best password managers you can use today. Say goodbye to lost password anxiety.


For the list of the top five click HERE




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  • 4 weeks later...

I found such a weird subject where nothing has been posted, strange. I decided to put something here, even if temporarily ...but better, than absolutely empty. Here is two password generators, the first is very simple and everybody can make something similar itself, if wants. But the second is a bit more complicated.


The second is a bit more complicated and I cannot put it here as iframe, so go here to try it.



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