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Hypocrites and Kaspersky


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It is amazing the number of comments that have been made on Nsane over the last 8 months or so about the U.S. banning Kaspersky AV from government systems or systems that connect to government networks.  Most of them relating the loss of financial gain (i.e. customers) and how unfair it is to put them out of business.  Yet here are 123 pages of how to steal Kaspersky software.


And then more patches here.



So it really doesn't make any difference what you say since actions speak louder than words.  If your support for Kaspersky is as strong as your posted words then buy their software, don't steal it.

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Sometimes I even like what you put here in the forums... In others I simply refrain from doing it...
In the present case, well, I'm forced to comment... And I will not bother myself mentioning your posts to exemplify, but...
There are much used expressions in Brazil - I do not know if in other nations:

the dirty recriminating the poorly washed"

"who has a glass roof should not throw stones at the neighbor's"


And so on... Better luck next time!!!

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That's honestly a very interesting position. However, the fact that some here choose to pirate Kaspersky software should have little or no bearing on the matter, unless you can actually claim that those individuals who complained indeed pirated the software, thus making a specific and concrete argument. Even if that were the case, the validity of the claim should be able to stand on its own - the users here at nsane are a stark minority, not the sort of people to buy their AV software at Wallmart in any case, which is the place where Kaspersky is being hit.


Also, one has to keep in mind that the forum is a very diverse place - someone from India might have a wildly different socio-economic situation and understanding of the issues at hand, and also might not be able to afford to spend yearly for something like a premium AV product. This does not automatically make that person unable to make a valid point based on the use of reason and their faculties.


That still says nothing on the question of whether someone can make a factually true comment regardless of their immediate surroundings. The fact that this is a place where you can pirate a great deal of software still doesn't mean that you can't call a good product a good product, a poor piece of software crap, or that you can't call bullshit on a suspect situation. Heck, I've commented on the Kaspersky situation, and I'm not currently using Kaspersky. It seems to me that the situation you described presupposes some kind of a vested interest. 

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3 hours ago, WALLONN7 said:



Sometimes I even like what you put here in the forums... In others I simply refrain from doing it...
In the present case, well, I'm forced to comment... And I will not bother myself mentioning your posts to exemplify, but...
There are much used expressions in Brazil - I do not know if in other nations:

the dirty recriminating the poorly washed"

"who has a glass roof should not throw stones at the neighbor's"


And so on... Better luck next time!!!


If your point was I use cracked software so I shouldn't be commenting on this subject then you are totally wrong.  And if you read my posts over time you would know this since I have been very upfront about that fact.  Every piece of software I run on all my computers is legally licensed.  I only use cracked software in VMs to see how it was cracked and to test software that I haven't bought yet.  I currently have legal licenses to over 275 computer programs that are used on my 6 active desktop workstations and 17 active laptops.  That isn't counting the 117 games I have legal CD/DVDs for or on Steam, Origin, UPlay, and GOG.  I even have my original 6 floppy disks for Doom from ID.  

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Wait, what? Did you really check and understand @boulawan post?

Or you just using search feature and included it just for sake of your argument?

Either way, those are official links and patch from Kaspersky. It has nothing to do with piracy!

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6 hours ago, straycat19 said:


If your point was I use cracked software so I shouldn't be commenting on this subject then you are totally wrong.  And if you read my posts over time you would know this since I have been very upfront about that fact. ( ... )


So many "if"... That's good...


6 hours ago, straycat19 said:


( ... )  Every piece of software I run on all my computers is legally licensed.  I only use cracked software in VMs to see how it was cracked and to test software that I haven't bought yet. ( ... )


Like I said earlier, there was no reason to bother myself quoting your previous posts...

The dirt appears and the glass breaks...


6 hours ago, straycat19 said:

( ... )  I currently have legal licenses to over 275 computer programs that are used on my 6 active desktop workstations and 17 active laptops.  That isn't counting the 117 games I have legal CD/DVDs for or on Steam, Origin, UPlay, and GOG.  I even have my original 6 floppy disks for Doom from ID.  


The panoramic view of things is much broader than that seen from above...

Take time to enjoy it from time to time!!!

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