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I was downloading Cloanto's C64 Forever 7 and installed it.

I got back in time.. i really miss that 'pirate' period!!


Still listening to C=64 MP3 remakes http://remix.kwed.org/


One of my favourite C64 track

http://remix.kwed.org/download.php/5666/MRT - Artillery (demo music).mp3


But we all get older.. and the past is the past.. but i still love my C=64 memories! ;)




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I gave all my Commodore stuff away a few years ago.  Had a C64, C128, M3 Modem, Monitors, 5 1/4, 3 1/2, and tape drives along with an Okidata 10 color printer,  Panasonic 1624 Dot Matrix printer, various patch and conversion cables and boxes, over 300 programs and games, dongles, hacking disks, etc.  All of it still worked, just had no place to put it anymore.  Sometimes I wish I had kept it, but that emotion passes quickly.  I remember back in 1987 I was taking a class that was broken into groups to write a staff study.  None of the PC software at the time could publish it in the prescribed format so the other groups were paying typists to type their drafts and then their final, which really became expensive.  Fortunately I had a Word Processor called PaperClip and it would allow me to create the pages in the prescribed format.  We saved a bunch of money thanks to that Commodore 64.

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