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DFX Audio Enhancer 9.203


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<img src="http://www.nsanedown.com/images/logos/dfx.png" class="logo" alt="DFX Audio Enhancer" title="DFX Audio Enhancer" />Give your digital music files more vibrancy with DFX Audio Enhancer. DFX enhances your music listening experience by improving the sound quality of MP3, internet radio, Windows Media and other music files. Renew stereo depth, add 3D surround sound, restore sound clarity, boost your audio levels, and produce deep, rich bass sounds. DFX also features optimization for headphones usage, audio spectrum analyzer, finely-tuned music presets, powerful music and speech audio modes, and many free stylish skins. With DFX you can transform the sound of your PC into that of an expensive stereo system placed in a perfectly designed listening environment.

<a href="http://www.nsanedown.com/?request=217503" target="_blank">Download</a>

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Working perfectly with AiMP 2.6 RC1 :)

To do it, first You have to install Winamp (uncheck all crap), then DFX in AiMP folder. Use keygen and then copy "dsp_dfx.dll" from winamp plugins folder to AiMP plugins folder. Run AiMP and go to menu "DSP effects" and choose DFX from bottom list. After all you can uninstall winamp. Enjoy! ;) (AiMP can emulate winamp plugins)

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  • Administrator

Now this is first time I have use this software. I have say this, it's one of the best I have used. Simply the best. Everyone, I recommend this software. ;)

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i have been saying that for ages...again i must be ahead of my time... :lol:

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  • Administrator

I didn't said that you were not sayin it. In-fact I came to know about it from you. It was the thin I didn't got time to use it.

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@Silencer, Thx for the tips on how to get this working with AIMP. Much appreciated. And that AIMP is the coolist music player I've seen. I'm amazed that I didn't know about it until I read this thread.

I had to look up this thread again to relearn how to install the latest version of DFX (which just was posted) so it would work with AIMP2 so I thought I would bump it up in case anyone else needs to refresh their memory on how to do it.

I must say though, that after using DFX for a while, I have come to feel it adds too much coloration to the music. I know this is adjustable in DFX, but I actually feel, when using my really good headphones at least, that the music sounds better without DFX. But I keep it installed in case I have to use inferior speakers. In that situation, I could see DFX being useful to help compensate for some deficiencies in the audio equipment. But, as I said, with my good headphones (which are Shure 530's) the music sounds better to me w/o DFX.

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