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Turn Vista into Windows 7


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  • Administrator

Well I was unsure where to post it. As it is on a news website but it is a guide for the people who are not likin or are unable to use Windows 7 now.


Every time Microsoft delivers a new OS it's possible to get many of the features of a Windows upgrade in the previous version of Windows. Windows 7 is no exception. Here's a roundup of a few things you can do to make Windows Vista as Windows 7-like as possible, without shelling out for the new OS.

We'll start out with a couple tweaks, then tell you about four free apps you can download. And a tip of the hat to the amazing Gina Trapani at Lifehacker, from whom I picked up several of these tricks.

First the taskbar. Windows 7 lets you "pin" apps to the taskbar and we can approximate that in Vista. Here's how.

Right-click on your taskbar.

Select toolbars.

And choose Quick Launch.

Now drag the icons you wish to "pin" into the left side of the taskbar.

Right click on the taskbar again and uncheck "lock taskbar."

Now click on the three rows of dots, hold down the mouse, and drag the bar over until you see all your icons.

Now, they look a little small like that, so let's make them bigger. Make sure the taskbar is unlocked.

Now right click on the taskbar again.

Select the view menu and choose large icons.

That's OK. But if you want a real Mac-like dock, forget all that and install RocketDock. It gives you a whole new Macish dock that you can put down at the bottom of the window instead of the taskbar.

But your Windows still looks all Vista-y. One more interface tweak before we move on. Download VistaGlazz 1.3. It's a utility that changes some system files to allow you to implement third-party themes on Vista. Launch VistaGlazz and, if you're sure, agree to allow it to modify your system files. I did it, and had no issues. But I make no guarantee.

Now you need a Windows 7 theme. Go to DeviantArt.com and get "Windows 7 Style for Vista." It should be by giannisgx89.

Download it, uncompress it, and then inside the Windows 7 Style folder, go into the theme folder and find the file called Windows 7 and the folder called Windows 7. Copy both to C:Windows\Resources\Themes\. (You'll need admin access to copy these.)

Now right-click anywhere on your Desktop and select "Personalize." Click on "Theme" and supposedly you can select the Windows 7 theme from the drop-down list. That didn't work for me, so I had to browse to C:Windows/Resources/Themes and choose the Windows 7 theme manually. Once you've got it, press Apply and you have a Windows 7 look!

You can also go to DeviantArt for wallpaper, log-in screens, and other Windows 7ish customization options.

Four free apps and we're done.

In Windows 7, Aero Shake kicks in when you shake an active Window, minimizing all the other windows. You can download a Vista version from LifeHacker for free.

Next you'll want the nifty Win 7 feature that halves the size of a window and docks it to the side of the screen. There's an app for that. It's German and it's called AeroSnap. You can get it at aerosnap.de.vu.

The Windows 7 calculator is also a lovely souped-up thing. Some intrepid hacker has actually pulled it out of Windows 7 and made it available on Box.net. You'll have to do a search to find it. And there's no guaranteeing it will still be there when you do. Is it legal? That's fuzzy. Probably not. But it is cool. Just make sure you back up your Vista calculator if you decide to replace it with this one. Just in case things go sideways on you.

Finally, Windows 7 has a much easier way to select Wi-Fi networks. It's not a perfect match, but NetSetMan from netsetman.com is much better than the default Vista manger and gives you lots of other powerful tools as well.

Source and Full video guide

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  • Administrator

Well I have myself never used Vista. Yea it must be eatin RAM like a breakfast for sure. That is why I always find my breakfast plate empty before I even eat it.:blink::unsure:

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You must understand something, guys. Vista is designed to use much RAM, so is Win 7. It's better to use RAM, to gain performance and to put less stress on hard disk then not use RAM memory. In XP that's just wasting RAM, and in Vista and 7 if some application needs additional RAM, Windows will free it and give it to that application.

Cheers ;)

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  • Administrator

Yea after you said I already downloaded it from the frontpage but I want a personal experience and info on it. ANW Thanx for the program. ;)

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i think , You have something wrong right there

who can use Vista , might not be able to use Windows 7 ?

Why ?! why would i change my vista into windows 7 while i'm not likin :D

used vista for only one year

and i'm glad i got rid of it

I think it was a total mess , and now they are fixing it by Win7

Thanks anyway

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  • Administrator

Well MS is not fixin it so you can trust it. It's for the people who don't like 7. I have already met one on the forums.

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Wouldn't it be better if we just install Windows 7, I have to admit that Vista was solid but you really can't get all the improvements that Windows 7 has. *Flame sheild on*

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  • Administrator

Yea. Vista maybe the worst OS ever. And 7 would be the best. But still read the top of the first post for the reason why I have posted it. ;)

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Yea. Vista maybe the worst OS ever. And 7 would be the best. But still read the top of the first post for the reason why I have posted it. ;)

The worst OS ever? :D There is a lot of much worse crap floating around, which many people don't use. The worst windows of its era? It's a matter of opinion... yes it was a flop, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. In many ways Vista was a step forward from XP into a new era in operating systems. Microsoft took an ambitious step.. yes it didn't turn out as good as people had hoped, but it's a bit harsh calling it the worst OS ever especially if it was innovative. MS got the message and took another step forward with W7, which is even more innovative... without Vista, we most likely wouldn't have 7.

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  • Administrator

Now that's the spirit.

Well I don't know anythin about Vista, just what I have heard. That's why I used "maybe".

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without Vista, we most likely wouldn't have 7.

we might have better :sneaky:

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  • Administrator

Hey you misquoted it. Manpe mentioned it not me. :(

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my bad that's always happen when i quote from someone's whose name start with MAN ^_^

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  • Administrator

Well I really don't know how did you managed to misquote it. :think:

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who said i manged to do it

it happens on the fly lol

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  • Administrator

Well it must be "The Little That Makes The Difference" :lol:.

It will be best if you edit it. ;)

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