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DVDFab is all-in-one DVD copying/converting/burning software. In just one or two steps, you can copy any DVD to DVDR/PSP/iPod/etc. DVDFab is brand new, is completely rewritten, is based on more than 6 years of DVD copy software development. It allows you to remove all DVD copy protections, like CSS, CPPM, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs, ARccOS, RipGuard, FluxDVD, CORE X2, etc. It is constantly updated to support latest DVD copy protections and has a very fast copying speed, normally it's about 10 - 20 minutes.

Thanks to Astron for the update.


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I think there is a loader for this version. Someone uploaded a torrent at TPB that claims to have it.

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DVDFab Multilingual x64 Cracked BRD


Site : https://openload.co

Sharecode : /f/v-bki_z2XJA/DVDFab.v10.0.6.6.Multilingual.x64.Cracked-BRD.rar


DVDFab Multilingual Cracked BRD


Site : https://openload.co

Sharecode : v-bki_z2XJA/DVDFab.v10.0.6.6.Multilingual.x64.Cracked-BRD.rar


Not tested !





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Portable DVDFab  Multilingual Online

By PortableAppZ


Download Portable DVDFab Online fixed (0.6 MB)

Site: https://www.upload.ee

Sharecode[?]: /files/7624087/DVDFab_Portable_10.0.6.5_Multilingual_Online.exe.html


Extract and run DVDFab10Portable .
Settings of installed DVDFab should be preserved.
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31 minutes ago, Recruit said:

DVDFab Multilingual x64 Cracked BRD


Site : https://openload.co

Sharecode : /f/v-bki_z2XJA/DVDFab.v10.0.6.6.Multilingual.x64.Cracked-BRD.rar


DVDFab Multilingual Cracked BRD


Site : https://openload.co

Sharecode : v-bki_z2XJA/DVDFab.v10.0.6.6.Multilingual.x64.Cracked-BRD.rar


Not tested !





no works

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14 minutes ago, djrysiek said:

no works


Very informative !

If you could tell us which version,  it would be great !
Also a screenshot might be useful .....

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6 minutes ago, Recruit said:


Very informative !

If you could tell us which version,  it would be great !
Also a screenshot might be useful .....

version x64 10.6.6 crack block host dvdfab and The program does not start

version 10.6.5 not tested

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36 minutes ago, djrysiek said:

version x64 10.6.6 crack block host dvdfab and The program does not start

version 10.6.5 not tested


Same problem. This patch no works for both build and architectures.

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It doesnt work for me aswell it asks always to connect to server and when I remove the www.dvdfabstore.com line that is made by the Patch it asks for username and password. The patch is not working properly.

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i reinstalled x64 again and it worked (possible AV issue) and i was prompted to allow internet access via the windows firewall


i closed DVDFab Trial, ran the BRD patch and it automatically found my custom installation directory. running DVDfab again showed everything activated, even when blocked with AV firewall


currently ripping a DVD to see if its really working or just a placebo



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Is it possible that you upload the patched filez (NOT the Patch), the Patch don't  work for me.

I get always that Message:
"File missing! Patch Cancelled."

I start the Program once after installation in the Trial Mode, copy the Patch in the Install Directory, always the same.


ThX in Advanced



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9 hours ago, NoNooBS said:


Is it possible that you upload the patched filez (NOT the Patch), the Patch don't  work for me.

I get always that Message:
"File missing! Patch Cancelled."

I start the Program once after installation in the Trial Mode, copy the Patch in the Install Directory, always the same.


ThX in Advanced




Killed any running DVDFab processes..
Install Location: C:\PORTABLES\DVDFab
Adjusting output files....
Process Completed!
Cleaning up old files....
DVDFab has been patched!
Hosts file patched! (adds www.dvdfabstore.com)


site: www.upload.ee

sharecode: /files/7677949/DVDFab_10.0.6.6.rar.html

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@Recruit Can U provide some information about this medicine? Is it a "cracked" installer? A Loader? Is one of your links for x32?


EDIT: Is everyone here having trouble with posting and notifications/emails being synced correctly?

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