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DVDFab is all-in-one DVD copying/converting/burning software. In just one or two steps, you can copy any DVD to DVDR/PSP/iPod/etc. DVDFab is brand new, is completely rewritten, is based on more than 6 years of DVD copy software development. It allows you to remove all DVD copy protections, like CSS, CPPM, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs, ARccOS, RipGuard, FluxDVD, CORE X2, etc. It is constantly updated to support latest DVD copy protections and has a very fast copying speed, normally it's about 10 - 20 minutes.

Thanks to Hung_UT® for the update.


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Portable DVDfab Multilingual Online

By PortableAppZ


Download DVDfab online (0.6 MB)

Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/7593311/DVDFab_Portable_10.0.6.4_Multilingual_Online.exe.html


Extract and run DVDFab10Portable.
Settings of installed DVDFab should be preserved.


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40 minutes ago, alexxf said:


It's preactivated

*** I mean *** Pre-activated with what?? I have not seen any posts about a Loader [or anything else] for this version??

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6 minutes ago, TheEmpathicEar said:

*** I mean *** Pre-activated with what?? I have not seen any posts about a Loader [or anything else] for this version??


Same as previous version. With  a loader.

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2 hours ago, alexxf said:


Same as previous version. With  a loader.

*** If *** someone has a loader for this version for this version, why has it not been posted??

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34 minutes ago, snf said:

I guess what I am thinking is this:

1. We get a loader for a specific version

2. We get a pre-activated installer for a specific version

3. Now, someone can create a specific portable with either 1 or 2.

4. I have not seen either 1 or 2 posted here [or anywhere yet]?

Same question: How can U create a specific version w/o 1 or 2? Make sense?

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8 minutes ago, TheEmpathicEar said:

How can U create a specific version w/o 1 or 2? Make sense?

Utility for those interested by use DVDfab.That's all. :)


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4 minutes ago, snf said:

Utility for those interested by use DVDfab.That's all. :)


I am honestly just trying to understand this. That's all. Usually, we have some kind of medicine posted first and next we get portables. What, specifically, did you use to activate this portable?

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24 minutes ago, TheEmpathicEar said:

I am honestly just trying to understand this. That's all. Usually, we have some kind of medicine posted first and next we get portables. What, specifically, did you use to activate this portable?

I understand your will.

It's not my realese.

i've just , indicated  to autor , how find preactivated release of installer.

More than a month ago.

But I can not find where.

I'm sorry for this.:unsure:

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8 hours ago, uVSthem said:

Is the loader for the 32bit version or the 64bit version?


From the nfo file:

MD5 DVDFab.exe: F2799B772FB08C4D4ECDBCC7884BAE2D


It's the 32bit exe hash.

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:ph34r:Well i m using the 64 bits version with the loader and its working fine.

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1 hour ago, Moonstorm said:

:ph34r:Well i m using the 64 bits version with the loader and its working fine.


Strange cause the latest version of DVDFab x64 is This loader does not match that version.

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lollll, all fengatão software got an emulater and Works and adaptes the engine to your computer 32 or 64 Bits, i was in time part of the black riders crackers, we cracked  all the versions created since dvdidle pro, dvdfab platinium, dvdfab 8,9 and now me and my partner and just for fun and because we got the license of the software and just because we can and we do, here his a new version preactivated of this release.


Site: http://ge.tt
Sharecode[?]: /39U4r4n2

You only need to extract and install no viruses no worms or backdoor trojans as the other guys used since the last patches in dvdfab 9, fully working.

4K already working very well a new version for decript 4K blu ray will came soon.


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19 hours ago, Moonstorm said:

lollll, all fengatão software got an emulater and Works and adaptes the engine to your computer 32 or 64 Bits, i was in time part of the black riders crackers, we cracked  all the versions created since dvdidle pro, dvdfab platinium, dvdfab 8,9 and now me and my partner and just for fun and because we got the license of the software and just because we can and we do, here his a new version preactivated of this release.


You only need to extract and install no viruses no worms or backdoor trojans as the other guys used since the last patches in dvdfab 9, fully working.

4K already working very well a new version for decript 4K blu ray will came soon.



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Once again:

Site: http://ge.tt
Sharecode[?]: /39U4r4n2

Link tested and working, use firefox browser.

If you are out of europe use vpn your ISP cold not give access to this page.

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18 hours ago, Moonstorm said:

Once again:


Link tested and working, use firefox browser.

If you are out of europe use vpn your ISP cold not give access to this page.


These files are not available until tomorrow, because the owner has reached the daily traffic limit.


If You ca upload here please :



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That site only accepts files til 100MB this one is bigger, here is a new link and working:

Site: http://www.mediafire.com
Sharecode[?]: /file/eaqftehbj93p9tm/DVDFab_10.0.6.4_Pre-Cracked.rar


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8 hours ago, Moonstorm said:

New working link:


DVD has no problem, but copying Blu-ray gives an error
After all Loader is the strongest!

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