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Game: Xbox One: Ben-Hur


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Take the reins of the most exhilarating chariot race in history, as you become Ben-Hur.

Inspired by this year’s reimagining of the epic film, brave the twists of an ancient Roman arena and battle deadly charioteers for your life and the freedom of your family.


In this race… the first to finish is the last to die.





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Scroll down to the reviews on this, they're very entertaining :)


"This sexually arousing offspring of the gaming industry, the film industry, and a dash chronic H.I.V., highlights the exhliarating experience of chariot racing. Both my rectum and bladder imploded upon sight of the 1080p graphics. After getting my entire lower half removed and both of my kidneys abducted by a 10 year old Cuban doctor, I have since rekindled my grind on Ben-Hur stopping only when going on violent coughing sprees, like a chain smoker with tuberculosis. Absolute gem. "

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