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8 hours ago, BTJB said:

Now you made excellent repack @thebig1825 , I am not sure for the firewall settings. I will check the beta now.

Here is what I mean @knowledge



u are use some russian guy setting dat yes  and when u uninstalled utorrent u missed one i think

from what i see its a settings dat make the problems u have



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11 minutes ago, BTJB said:

Now you made excellent repack @thebig1825 , I am not sure for the firewall settings. I will check the beta now.

Here is what I mean @knowledge



Give me your 44090 download link, i wanna make some tests

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try this

Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/7504370/xTorrent.Toolbox.1.0.zip.html


its best i seen yet  fixed all bugs

back up link if needed

Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/7504546/xTorrent.Toolbox.1.0.zip.html
if this not get on frontpage we give up


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1 hour ago, thebig1825 said:

Do you have the same problem with: uTorrent v3.5.0 build 44176 Beta ?


Yes, checked with original installer by developer and the problem is exist. This is programmed and integrated just like Game Store section was added! No way for cleaning. Seems normal.

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Noticed that AdGuard keep your computer safe from this popup. Still looking which tool is guilty but have no more power and knowledge to fight. :)  These who knows the method to find the reason are more busy and isn't observational. I can say goodbye and keep walking with this funny popup. :) 

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8 hours ago, BTJB said:

Noticed that AdGuard keep your computer safe from this popup. Still looking which tool is guilty but have no more power and knowledge to fight. :)  These who knows the method to find the reason are more busy and isn't observational. I can say goodbye and keep walking with this funny popup. :) 

to fix your problems  1st uninstall utorrent

download from utorrent site and use

change from adfree version to pro version it will fix the problems u have 

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7 hours ago, Recruit said:


I will keep you in mind guys that you haven't involved me in testing that ! :tease:


Christmas gifts have flown ....! :fool::clap:

sorry for that  my friend maybe in your free time can test  i feel its 100% now thanks to @RadiXX11

if test download from utorrent site not edited or patched version  we wait for your feed back :)


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6 minutes ago, knowledge said:

we wait for your feed back


Anytime, Bro ! I am not using it too much : I have some NAS devices that have their own download client and I like to use it to download files directly on them .

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3 hours ago, BTJB said:

Thanks for the attention. Here it is:

Site: https://sendit.cloud
Sharecode[?]: /d03cu9ra7gdg

Well i could find out your problem: delete updates folder and add this file intead: 


Site: https://mega.nz
Sharecode[?]: /#!5ZUATaaJ!1W8guhPW3wVkrUMpEyaiYxdwxsxaGE3vZaFzTE2VVro


Note: Even my repack call that url if doesnt have this file there named : "updates"

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5 hours ago, thebig1825 said:

What is this folder and its files for?:


The updates folder (relevant to both uTorrent & BitTorrent):

It stores the previous binaries. Should you wish to revert to a previous version, don't delete the folder.


The build version folder(s), e.g. 3.5.0_44090, contain utorrentie.exe. This is related to fetching ads within the uTorrent client:


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11 minutes ago, T3rM1nat0Rr3 said:


The updates folder (relevant to both uTorrent & BitTorrent):

It stores the previous binaries. Should you wish to revert to a previous version, don't delete the folder.


The build version folder(s), e.g. 3.5.0_44090, contain utorrentie.exe. This is related to fetching ads within the uTorrent client:


Well, i havent used that folder in my repacks, and i dont think i will add it for now, and maybe if i would add it, will be an optional feature.

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8 hours ago, thebig1825 said:

Well i could find out your problem: delete updates folder and add this file intead:


Lots of THANKS for your effort thebig1825:notworthy: You actually found the reason even the trick way. Very hard skill in you! I am thinking now that it is not a big deal to save the user from worry of one pop-up. Even think to fully remove updates folder during the installation, than utorrent will remake it full for it's own needs.... :dunno:


3 hours ago, T3rM1nat0Rr3 said:


The updates folder (relevant to both uTorrent & BitTorrent):

It stores the previous binaries. Should you wish to revert to a previous version, don't delete the folder.


The build version folder(s), e.g. 3.5.0_44090, contain utorrentie.exe. This is related to fetching ads within the uTorrent client:



Also utorrentie.exe is relevant to help tutorial, I think to keep it. What is wrong with this 'updates'? What are the benefits and losses? Is it so costly this RAM? What to do with this folder, please help me. :frusty:

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8 hours ago, TheBig said:

uTorrent Pro 3.5.0 Build 44178 Stable (Repack Update) (17 MB) - Pro Fix by knowledge


Site: https://mega.nz
Sharecode[?]: /#!4ddDFKYT!LUPC4dWRtb-UuoptTdfgCIvGrR8961ST-_Q5oQfaSqU



it works fine but if u use from

u will have smaller size player folder size  and little change and big changes to how we fixed it now so  if want to make your own versions or repack make sure to use smaller size folders  it will save your upload time and peoples download time  just little tip :)

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17 hours ago, T3rM1nat0Rr3 said:

The updates folder (relevant to both uTorrent & BitTorrent):

It stores the previous binaries. Should you wish to revert to a previous version, don't delete the folder.


The build version folder(s), e.g. 3.5.0_44090, contain utorrentie.exe. This is related to fetching ads within the uTorrent client:



Once again @T3rM1nat0Rr3

I wondered after developer made uTorrent manual downgrade why he did not made simple featuring like BAK file extension for uTorrent just like they add OLD extensions and current duplicated uTorrent.exe to be made only if update process is in action. Instead they are making independent folder with already duplicated application inside and for downgrading user must begin remove the file, rename it and delete the contain of update.dat. Poor developers, they are trying to prevent the mess between versions all about these useless update settings! Who need this history for upgrade and downgrade instead of simple check for new version and simple return the old version by renaming, nothing more!!!!!!

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16 minutes ago, BTJB said:


Once again @T3rM1nat0Rr3

I wondered after developer made uTorrent manual downgrade why he did not made simple featuring like BAK file extension for uTorrent just like they add OLD extensions and current duplicated uTorrent.exe to be made only if update process is in action. Instead they are making independent folder with already duplicated application inside and for downgrading user must begin remove the file, rename it and delete the contain of update.dat. Poor developers, they are trying to prevent the mess between versions all about these useless update settings! Who need this history for upgrade and downgrade instead of simple check for new version and simple return the old version by renaming, nothing more!!!!!!

Hey why dont remove upgrade to pro bar in your setting.dat ad free edition?

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1 hour ago, knowledge said:

if want to make your own versions or repack make sure to use smaller size folders  it will save your upload time and peoples download time  just little tip :)


I think this is not a big deal, even more - last time I checked the repack by 9649 and it contain your medicine + more up to date additional pro files which are bigger twice. I remember that our good friend @dickmaster delivered to us the latest new files because the program goes buggy. So, imagine what will happen when something goes wrong with the fix via internet connection. User will install the app with most old files and can not run it at all! I checked the differences in repack compression, they are only 5 MB between 52 an 57.

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6 minutes ago, TheBig said:

Hey why dont remove upgrade to pro bar in your setting.dat ad free edition?


Never noticed this!!!! :omg::doh: :wut:

Thanks a lot again! :beg:

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8 hours ago, BTJB said:


I think this is not a big deal, even more - last time I checked the repack by 9649 and it contain your medicine + more up to date additional pro files which are bigger twice. I remember that our good friend @dickmaster delivered to us the latest new files because the program goes buggy. So, imagine what will happen when something goes wrong with the fix via internet connection. User will install the app with most old files and can not run it at all! I checked the differences in repack compression, they are only 5 MB between 52 an 57.

repack by 9649

he have use old fix and added his own files and little changes  and ads his site with in when install the program  i see he russian  but if i was to post with versions to ads to sites i own or like people will hate for that  cant have utorrent with ads to sites  i hate ads its y i work on utorrent plus his have a theme aswell  i can make like his version but i am not like little things with it  but i learn about this sitehttp://9649.ru/soft/1941-utorrent-pro-35044176-beta-repack-portable-by-9649.html now so not all bad



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