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uTorrent Search Engines Mega List


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uTorrent Search Engines Mega List.

The default search engines that come with uTorrent is pretty lame. I have compiled a mega list of search engines that I use in my uTorrent configuration. The list consists of 20+ search engines that you can use to search for torrents directly from within uTorrent instead of visiting the sites manually. I have moved inactive/dead engines to the bottom of the list but kept them for archive purposes.

Wherever possible, I have included the parameters to sort the list of results by descending number of seeds. If you know any more parameters to optimise any of the entries or any additional search engines please post them in this topic for the benefit of everyone. The current sorting of the list is based on my preferences, you can change it around to suit yourself. You can also leave out the last section as those are either inactive or ones I can't get working again.


1. Open uTorrent Preferences.

2. Expand the Advanced options on the left and click on "UI Extras".

3. Optionally you may want to delete all your currently listed search engines.

4. Copy the list as-is and paste it into the box for search engines.

5. Click OK and enjoy. :)

V0rtex|http://v0rtex.appspot.com/index?query=The Pirate Bay|http://thepiratebay.org/search.php?q=EZRSS/EZTV|http://ezrss.it/search/?show_name=TorrentSurf|http://torrentsurf.com/tag/IsoHunt|http://isohunt.com/torrents/?iht=-1&ihp=1&ihs1=2&iho1=d&ihq=Btjunkie|http://btjunkie.org/search?o=52&query=H33T|http://www.h33t.com/torrents.php?category=0&active=0&tracked=0&Go.x=0&Go.y=0&order=seeds&by=DESC&Go=Search&fonly=on&search=Demonoid|http://www.demonoid.me/files/?category=0&subcategory=All&quality=All&seeded=2&external=2&uid=0&sort=S&query=Google|http://google.com/search?q=torrent+VerTor|http://www.vertor.com/?mod=search&search=&orderby=a.seeds&asc=0&words=Fenopy|http://fenopy.com/?select=0&order=3&sort=0&dead=checkbox&minsize=&maxsize=&h=1&keyword=Fulldls.com|http://www.fulldls.com/search-all-torrents/?s=s-d&qa=Sumo Torrent|http://www.sumotorrent.com/searchResult.php?order=seeders&by=down&search=Torrentportal|http://www.torrentportal.com/torrents-search.php?sort=seeders&d=desc&type=and&cat=0&search=Torrentreactor|http://www.torrentreactor.net/search.php?search=&orderby=a.seeds&asc=0&words=Baka-Updates (Anime)|http://baka-updates.com/search/search?searchradio=releases&searchitem=Torrent Finder|http://torrent-finder.com/show.php?q=TorrentTab|http://www.torrenttab.com/search/Entertane|http://www.entertane.com/?searchq=Torrentz|http://www.torrentz.com/search?q=Torrentbit.nl|http://www.torrentbit.nl/search/?torrent=Seedpeer|http://www.seedpeer.com/search.php?search=Torrentbox|http://www.torrentbox.com/torrents-search.php?search=Bitenova|http://www.bitenova.org/search.php?search=BitTorrent|http://www.bittorrent.com/search?client=%v&search=NewTorrents.info|http://www.newtorrents.info/search/Torrent.ws|http://www.torrent.ws/search/all/Mininova|http://www.mininova.org/search/?utorrent&search=

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  • Administrator

Great I'm tryin it now. :D

EDIT: Tried it on Mininova. Works great. :thumbsup:

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

just wanted to bump this to the top again,such a brilliant list,it has been helping a lot.I recommend it to everyone,and if anybody finds any new search engine put it here

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks once again for this leet :wub:

My Ad Muncher stopped working,cause of the licence expiry,and the Ads were driving me crazzy,no big private sites would help...but this list to the rescue once again :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

List updated today. I added some new ones, removed dead ones, and updated search parameters for some.

List increased from 22 to 28 working search engines. :rolleyes:

A change from the ordinary, since it's a big hit amongst our members I decided to add Demonoid to the list even though it is a semi-private tracker.

I was thinking to get rid of Mininova since they are useless now but I left it for the time.

List is better sorted with priority given to my favourites + those with sorting parameters to have the results sorted by number of seeders (descending). Therefore if you want to shorten the list for your use I guess you could knock off search engines from the bottom go up. ;)

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Yeah I removed 'Mini-OVA' fom my bookmarks a week or two ago.. it's that they don't carry anything anymore, but what they do have is complete junk.

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I have some weird problem here. I cannot see toolbar buttons and search in uTorrent from months. It's like file, options, help and in the downer part is directly the GUI or whatever you may call it.

I added the new toolbar buttons (full row) to see if it gets back but no. :unsure:

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I have some weird problem here. I cannot see toolbar buttons and search in uTorrent from months. It's like file, options, help and in the downer part is directly the GUI or whatever you may call it.

I added the new toolbar buttons (full row) to see if it gets back but no. :unsure:

I know this sounds stupid but have tried the Advanced Settings > GUI section? Under Options do you have the four 'Show' things checked?The only things I know.. However if all else completely fails there is a related .DAT file that you can delete, but it will switch you back to defaults... and clear everything.. in fact you could try WinRAR'ing them up and deleting them.. Then see if anything has come back when you restart the program... Haven't allowed anything weird lately have you? Through CIS.

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First, when you mentioned, I thought that advance options would be the case, but no, I've hardly dont some tweaks except half open, allow same IP, and connect to service.

I'll try copyin & deletin dat files to see.

No problematic thing allowed on my PC.

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Yeah.. I failed to check that BEFORE I posted realized it after.. I have made a change to the Tall GUI Category List.. buts thats it on mine.. The checkmarks on 'Show' under options or your DAT files would be all I can think of.. If you have upgraded versions especially say from 1.7 to 1.8, or other versions to 1.8 then they do recommend you do a complete deletion of the DAT files and start fresh with the settings.. if I remember correctly.. I think it was due to changes in what and or how they were written, and settings contained .. that could relate to several problems in several areas..

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Problem solved. By deleting settings.dat. Thanx for the help. :)

But I can see some good difference in looks and color of the window now. :blink:

So you are right, deletin .dat files after upgradin to newer version is recommended. So I just deleted settings.dat, do I need to delete other files. :unsure:

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Problem solved. By deleting settings.dat. Thanx for the help. :)

But I can see some good difference in looks and color of the window now. :blink:

So you are right, deletin .dat files after upgradin to newer version is recommended. So I just deleted settings.dat, do I need to delete other files. :unsure:

(Don't forget to delete the .old files too, have to have the program closed)

Do you ever have a problem finding peers, or making connection with otherwise healthy Torrents...IF you have some odd issues -randomly- it MIGHT be a good idea to go ahead and take the DHT.DAT and DHT.DAT.old files out.. (but always keep the original packaged just in case, until you know for sure that it is fixing something, you could loose settings and things of the sort) AND don't forget to go through and fix your settings back like you want...

What I did.. since I didn't have anything going on with the program at the time.. no downloads or nothing... was completely un-install and delete all known directories/files for it and started new... Just seemed like a good idea.. Then I had to recreate my Toolbars and Icons for the new version because the author was otherwise indisposed, I guess.. W/E the reason the new version were not made yet and I had to find new ones for my Tabs which I wound up turning those off anyway.. but still have custom ones..

IF you have anything currently going on with uT, I would suggest staying away from RESUME.DAT.. and RESUME.DAT.old.. Could really mess with you DL's.. and several other things..if I remember right..

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I know deleting resume.dat can really mess up. I read the log files carefully. ;)

What does DHT.DAT contain?

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I am not sure bout the specifics.. but I think it contains some settings related to getting DHT.. and not for sure.. its seems like this file can be like a cache while the program is in use.. so I am not for sure.. Might be able to find a little or on it by searching the uT Forums.. Most of what I know of it was during the 1.7 to 1.8 migration for users ( I am one of those people who go genius figuring it out.. never use it again and forget the rambling and burn the highlights in my brain )

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  • 9 months later...
  • Administrator

I guess LeetPirate would be updating it.

@Leet: I suggest TPB link to be changed to https instead of http. :)

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  • 3 months later...


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