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Add More Filters To Your AdBlocker


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You can add more filter to your Ublock Origin.

Visit FilterLists and start scroll down to choose multiple host adblock lists. The lists included adblock for youtube, clickbait blocklist, anti ransomware tracklist,

overlay blocker and more.

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Adguard filters for Ublock

English filter




Social media


and etc.......




1    Russian filter 
2    English filter 
3    Spyware filter 
4    Social media filter 
5    Experimental filter 
6    German filter 
7    Japanese filter 
8    Dutch filter 
9    Spanish/Portuguese filter 
10    Filter unblocking search ads and self-promotion 
11    Mobile Ads filter 
12    Safari filter 
13    Turkish filter 
14    Annoyances filter 
15    Simplified domain names filter 
16    French filter 
101    EasyList 
102    ABPindo 
103    Bulgarian list 
104    EasyList China 
105    EasyList Czech and Slovak 
106    EasyList Dutch 
107    EasyList Germany 
108    EasyList Hebrew 
109    EasyList Italy 
110    EasyList Lithuania 
111    Latvian List 
112    Liste AR 
113    Liste FR 
114    ROList 
115    RU AdList 
116    Wiltteri 
117    Adblock Polska 
118    EasyPrivacy 
119    Icelandic ABP List 
120    Norsk adblockliste 
121    void.gr 
122    Fanboy's Annoyances 
123    Fanboy's Social Blocking List 
200    ABP Japanese Filters 
201    Czech List 
202    Filtros Nauscopicos 
203    hufilter 
204    Peter Lowe's list 
205    Schacks Adblock Plus liste 
206    Xfiles 
207    Adblock Warning Removal List 
208    Malware Domains 
209    Prebake 
210    Spam404 
211    Anti-Adblock Killer | Reek 
212    RU AdList: Counters 
213    RU AdList: BitBlock 
214    ABPVN List 
215    Fanboy's Enhanced Tracking List 
216    Adblock & uBlock polish filter 
217    Adblock & uBlock polish cookies filter 
218    Estonian List 
219    ChinaList+EasyList 
220    CJX's Annoyance List 
221    Polski social filtr 
222    Adblock-Persian list 
223    Fanboy's Swedish 
224    Korean Adblock List 
225    Fanboy Anti-Facebook List 
226    Fanboy's Vietnamese 
227    List-KR 
228    xinggsf 
229    I don't care about cookies 
230    FanboyEspanol 
231    Easylist Spanish 
232    KAD - Przekrety 
233    Juvander's Adblock List for Finland 
234    ROLIST2 
235    Iranian filter 
236    road-block 
237    AdBlock Protector List (Incompatible with Adguard) 
238    Adblock & uBlock polish filter - Adguard supplement 
239    Fanboy's Anti-thirdparty Fonts


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Be nice if they scraped the last update info and put that in a column, quite a lot fo those filter lists are dead and/or old

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The Filters are here  ( The link just Below ) :

FilterLists is the independent and comprehensive directory of all public filter and hosts lists for advertisements, trackers, malware, and annoyances. For more information on its purpose and function, check out About.
Development Notice (Updated July 13, 2017)
FilterLists improvements are slow and tend to be in spurts. I really care about this project as both a resource for the community and a learning tool for me. But, my day job comes first which often results in little to no work on the project at times. I happily welcome anyone that wants to contribute, though. The immediate projects are converting the data to an actual database (rather than a Google Sheet) and then exposing the data via a .Net Core API. I would also love to build a more responsive front-end, but I am not a front-end developer and would definitely welcome help on this.


Properties :

Property Description
descr A brief description of the list's functionality. Preferably, this is quoted (if non-English, translate to English via translator or Google Translate for consistency) from the list's documentation or composed by a maintainer of the list. If neither are available, a generic description should be composed by the FilterLists contributor.
descrSourceUrl The URL to the list's documentation page from which the description was quoted if applicable.
donateUrl The URL to the list's donation page. This could be a custom PayPal or similar link, or a link to a web page discussing various donation options. Pull requests that include changes to this link will undergo further verification to prevent fraud.
email The email address of the list's maintainer(s) if publicly available.
forumUrl The URL to the list's forum where issues, change requests, etc. are discussed.
homeUrl The URL to the list's home page. Preferably, this is stated in the header of the list. Alternatively, it could be a custom domain, GitHub page, blog post, forum post, etc. that serves as a primary source of information for the list.
issuesUrl The URL to the list's GitHub Issues.
list The name of the list as stated by the list maintainer(s) in title case.
related List names that are directly related to the list. For example, if a list is a combination of other lists, its master lists would be considered "related". Sorted alphabetically by convention.
tagLang Array of ISO 639-1 language codes targeted by the list.
viewUrl The URL to the list in raw text format. zip files and other formats are acceptable if no text format is available.


Note can be added in AdGuard app too.
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On 8/10/2017 at 9:19 AM, stylemessiah said:

Be nice if they scraped the last update info and put that in a column, quite a lot fo those filter lists are dead and/or old

All you have too do is click on view of the list look  at the date Last modified: so that is not a real problem ...   The real problems are is some of those filters have false positives and block too much so you have too test them carefully . And default filters like easylist  the ad vendors are catching on and banning them so you need scripts too get around some sites or use uMatrix too block ads and a adblocker with no ban list and make you're own rules .

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