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Problem with utorrent and VM

Agent 86

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This site is large in size and many different types of ppl come here.  Why do we need more policing when we are all adults and should handle the situation accordingly?  I have ran sites before plus been admin/supermod/mod at other sites in the past.  More importantly, back on the main subject.  Most work, have families, etc.  Sometimes a site should be able to hold its own if the members are of good character. You have bad apples at all sites.  Its how we as members who appreciate it handle those situations.  Plus dealing with drama gets old after a while.  Members should respect and uphold the rules of the site at all times.  Do we really need more policing?  This is my two cents for the day.  :)

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1 hour ago, knowledge said:

:o the way u say this show the site is not in good shape ?


we need more people like u 


It is relative when even.:)

It is the only forum where I have see members of such quality and with so much knowledge ( And you are part of it ).;)

But it's true , more people like   @jalaffa   would be ideal.

( Or like @Batu69 and   @anuraag   or  @DKT27  ....   )

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i've been following this forum for 9 years. it's my first trusted source for all my needs (programs essentially)


What about the staff? .... well... i don't see any problem here :)
As @snf, @dMogjayesh30202 and Cerberus mentioned in their replies, people have to live real life first

besides, both admins and staff moderators are here more than often and i don't see anything crucial that needs to be done or fixed (maybe i'm not aware of some problems that needs to be fixed though)
The frontpage staff is very active, @DKT27 is taking care of the administrative part and @Batu69 is handling the moderation part. Big thanks to them all :)


if you're refering to the taking downs of nsaneforums then i'm sure you'll understand every server needs some offline maintenance


in facts, who is showing and who is not is not so important for us as members since everything is fine and the site runs well.


this forum has many pros for me:
- good programs selection
- free links
- interesting reviews
- smart people
- smart reversers/coders/programers

and not to forget: nice and polite admins/mods


what to ask more?! :)

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52 minutes ago, snf said:

But it's true , more people like   @jalaffa   would be ideal.

You want never find no one like  him,  he helped me out so many times back before i lost interest in things and  when  i went on the grid he was one the few people i missed .. And he don't  even seem interested in things like he use too be.  Were we use too all share with the public we all are sort are  keeping too ourselves . It's hard too trust anyone anymore. More policing is not going spark a interest in posting again  those in charge  they already know the sites problems and even if fixed , new problems will come . We got some nice mods here .  The warez scene is changing again with the more sites you see closing down the more underground it will become   . It happen before in 2001 believe or not.


When i 1st came on the net in 2001 warez had went dry on the open internet you needed a app with a internal search too find anything ..It started picking back up about the time this site came online 2004 or 2005. I stayed underground tell around 2006  with what i done by 2007 i was addicted to forums. :) 

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17 hours ago, THORN said:

i've been following this forum for 9 years. it's my first trusted source for all my needs (programs essentially)


What about the staff? .... well... i don't see any problem here :)
As @snf, @dMogjayesh30202 and Cerberus mentioned in their replies, people have to live real life first

besides, both admins and staff moderators are here more than often and i don't see anything crucial that needs to be done or fixed (maybe i'm not aware of some problems that needs to be fixed though)
The frontpage staff is very active, @DKT27 is taking care of the administrative part and @Batu69 is handling the moderation part. Big thanks to them all :)


if you're refering to the taking downs of nsaneforums then i'm sure you'll understand every server needs some offline maintenance


in facts, who is showing and who is not is not so important for us as members since everything is fine and the site runs well.


this forum has many pros for me:
- good programs selection
- free links
- interesting reviews
- smart people
- smart reversers/coders/programers

and not to forget: nice and polite admins/mods


what to ask more?! :)

I agree 100% but there is always space to improve. It is important to hear and take some type on action with the opinions of all nsane members since the button line purpose of this forums is service their members.

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23 minutes ago, vitorio said:

I agree 100% but there is always space to improve. It is important to hear and take some type on action with the opinions off all nsane members since the button line purpose of this forums is service their members.

I think this forum is needed more than ever , the only reason this forum is as good as it is and the reason it have all that stuff THORN says is because of the rules here not allowing people post warez for  money. etc. But this also causes people too pass by this site it's not 2007 anymore were people do it for free and i seen some of the uploaders here get ran off  from here for this.  Most people who upload that done for free and crackers are on closed forums now. Most people who do it for money ether upload on forums and blogs that allow filehost that pay rewards and get paid trough ad revenue .Most of the uploads here can be found at blogs just as easy as coming here on free host just they make money from ads.  But the site is really needed just there is no real incentive  too topic starters here.

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4 minutes ago, vitorio said:

I agree 100% but there is always space to improve. It is important to hear and take some type on action with the opinions off all nsane members since the button line purpose of this forums is service their members.


The most important thing in my opinion is that we have a forum where to enjoy our different hobbies

Admins did the half part by providing this virtual space to us. We, as members should take care of the other half ;)


We have nice guys who post updates/news/fixes/stuff....

We also have nice guys who provide help and guides to everyone (very important and is a "plus" for this forum)


what left? uh! oh! yes! i think @Cerberus comment say it all :)

1 hour ago, Cerberus said:

.  Most work, have families, etc.  Sometimes a site should be able to hold it own if the members are of good character. You have bad apples at all sites.  Its how we as members who appreciate it handle those situations.  Plus dealing with drama gets old after a while.  Members should respect and uphold the rules of the site at all times.  Do we really need more policing?  This is my two cents for the day.  :)


members part :)

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17 minutes ago, THORN said:

We have nice guys who post updates/news/fixes/stuff....

THORN there are nice guys on a lot of sites that do this ..If people were being honest  about it.. you would say you come here because of the filehost they use.. if you look at the nice guys in the archives here not a darn one of us that posted apps back in 2007 hardly share any more . You are lucky that we even come on here at all .. Keep in mind even the  founder of this site lost interest and some of those admins in the OP  that have lost interest or got other things too do help save this site from closing. And when the site messes up some of  those admins fix it  when it breaks.

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16 minutes ago, steven36 said:

THORN there are nice guys on a lot of sites that do this


i visited tons of softwares websites/forums but there was always something wrong :

- excessive restrictions

- bad organization

- non-working stuff

- and most important: no good reviews and shared thoughts


Here in this forum, people get clean programs and fixes PLUS good reviews from well documented guys


You're right saying there are nice guys everywhere but trust/confidence, help, reviews and guides are making the difference for me :) (... and i'm sure for many members and visitors)

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13 minutes ago, THORN said:


i visited tons of softwares websites/forums but there was always something wrong :

- excessive restrictions

- bad organization

- non-working stuff

- and most important: no good reviews and shared thoughts


Here in this forum, people get clean programs and fixes PLUS good reviews from well documented guys


You're right saying there are nice guys everywhere but trust/confidence, help, reviews and guides are making the difference for me :) (... and i'm sure for many members and visitors)

There is more too it than just  posting apps. When  i was over on reddit.com i seen some over there suggesting this site with a list of many others that have free links.  We have a hand full of  members that do most of the sharing and 100s of leechers and members who are not very active. This was one of  the reasons I stooped uploading i got burn out at another forum  because me and one other person was doing most of the uploading .  I like too learn new things and hear people share there ideas .  Most of us old timers we paid our dues and laid a foundation for you guys too share and what you do too keep it going is up too you . Without fresh blood it will never survive ,



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Yes, all criminals return to the seen of the crime.  lmao!  :)


Had to lighten the load of the conversation.  :)


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8 minutes ago, steven36 said:

There is more too it than just  posting apps. When  i was over on reddit.com i seen some over there suggesting this site with a list of many others that have free links.  We have a hand full of  members that do most of the sharing and 100s of leechers and members who are not very active. This was one the reasons I stooped uploading i got burn out at another forum  me and one other person was doing most of the uploading .  I like too learn new things and hear people share there ideas .  Most of us old timers we paid our dues and laid a foundation for you guys too share and what you do too keep it going is up too you . With out fresh blood it will never survive ,


This forum counts 48.182 members (i know many accounts are no more active)


To be honest, i say i'm technically a leecher! meaning i download stuff without giving anything in return! :shy: (like most of the 48.000 other members)

i believe not all members can be productive and post stuff. Not all members have enough knowledge to help too


As for the problem you mentioned (reversers / cash / .....) i really think coders/reversers/programers should be rewarded for their hard work

they can post their releases in cash sites and here, in nsaneforums, they can post only for fun and enjoy satisfaction of helping people :)

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Reverse engineers do it for fun plus the challenge.  Sometimes we get burned out and need something new to interest us again.  Sometimes we just need a vacation.  :)

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2 minutes ago, Cerberus said:


Yes, all criminals return to the seen of the crime.  lmao!  :)


Had to lighten the load of the conversation.  :)


HAHAHA   like there is any future in it .. Microsoft wants to replace it with a store  i'm still trying too see do windows even have a future since  June 2015 and even learned Linux .

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1 minute ago, Cerberus said:

Reverse engineers do it for fun plus the challenge.  Sometimes we get burned out and need something new to interest us again.  Sometimes we just need a vacation.  :)


i know these feelings! a friend told me a lot about it :)

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Back to the main post, I think the site is running very well now that an Admin fixed it.  That is their main purpose anyways, the backend.  As far as mods, I personally think most of us work out our differences among each other.  I have not meet eye to eye with all members here but we are entitled to our own opinion as long as it does not offended another member or staff.  We really dont get much spam anymore since new measures are in place.  What members do not know is that you can control most of this from the backend.  As far as members get a lil too carried away, well that would be when to use the report button.  Its made simple for everyone to address issues.  I am almost broke so this is my last two cents of the day.  lol 

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20 minutes ago, steven36 said:

. Microsoft wants to replace it with a store  i'm still trying too see do windows even have a future since  June 2015 and even learned Linux .


Microsoft imperfections are a muse for Windows users :)



19 minutes ago, 0bin said:

If your are worried by Microsoft, think of Ipad, a real prison, only though girls survive inside an Ipad.


HAHAHA! Very funny :lol:

i was right when i said above this forum have smart guys :)

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6 minutes ago, Kautsar_KRj said:

The staff I miss just @jordan4x

Never heard from him since the beginning of the year

I ask to @DKT27 

They have no news ( All staff )

it's a mystery !
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1 hour ago, snf said:

I ask to @DKT27 

They have no news ( All staff )

it's a mystery !


1 hour ago, snf said:

I ask to @DKT27 

They have no news ( All staff )

it's a mystery !

Hope it returns I really like his contributions to nsane site.

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10 hours ago, vitorio said:

Hope it returns I really like his contributions to nsane site.

Yes that is true : and is very nice guy. In addition often helped me.

At work in the forum all days,and many hours.

I appreciate this person.

It's sad to  no  more see it here.

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