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Days before, I found that all my .doc files were changed to .txt. How is that? Can any member help me to have them changed back to .doc or any means to solve this problem. Mnay many thanks!

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You may be infected
However I think you have to search all .txt files and edit them one by one

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Maybe it's a virus , virus tend to do those things. 


maybe someone else can back me up on this


(i got a shortcut virus that makes my folders shorcuts)


 ..run sfc /scannow in cmd

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Go to any .txt file which it was .doc in the past.
Right click on it,  go to " Properties " and in the tab called " General " click on " Change " and choose M$ Word or your desired .doc editor. When this step is done, click on " Apply " then " OK "



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6 minutes ago, Recruit said:


Go to any .txt file which it was .doc in the past.
Right click on it,  go to " Properties " and in the tab called " General " click on " Change " and choose M$ Word or your desired .doc editor. When this step is done, click on " Apply " then " OK "






This is one of the best recommendations I have seen lately. Nobel Prize should give to you!

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26 minutes ago, Kalju said:

Nobel Prize should give to you!


I know..... :smartass::lmao:


P .S . : Until now saw lots of people which changed accidentally the default apps. and they have not understood what they have done in fact....<_<

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7 minutes ago, Recruit said:
37 minutes ago, Kalju said:
44 minutes ago, Recruit said:

Go to any .txt file which it was .doc in the past.
Right click on it,  go to " Properties " and in the tab called " General " click on " Change " and choose M$ Word or your desired .doc editor. When this step is done, click on " Apply " then " OK "





This is one of the best recommendations I have seen lately. Nobel Prize should give to you!

I know..... :smartass::lmao:


kBIeldo.gif  1VjjZ4q.gif

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16 minutes ago, Recruit said:

I know..... :smartass::lmao:P .S . : Until now saw lots of people which changed accidentally the default apps. and they have not understood what they have done in fact....<_<

I agree with you, happens and day by day more. 

But here's a little bit different situation - the default app has not changed, but the type of document has changed ... This is already something weird. Somebody had to change it. Usually it's ransomware, but as I can understand, there are no demands till now. It's weird.

The type of document does not change itself.

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8 minutes ago, Kalju said:

But here's a little bit different situation


Agree, but we do not have too many informations from the first post : this was the reason that I said him to try 1st easiest solution and maybe common....


Personally I have not heard about a ransom that encrypts only .doc files, or he has not seen the other files types yet...

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Create this macro, then point it to the directory containing all your files and it will create a new file with the doc extension in the folder.  Test and make sure the doc file opens correctly before deleting the txt files.  You can also run the command winword /r in an admin command prompt to make sure word has the proper associations in the registry.


You haven't ran a registry cleaner lately have you?



Sub ConvertFiles()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim strFolder As String, strFile As String, wdDoc As Document
strFolder = GetFolder
If strFolder = "" Then Exit Sub
strFile = Dir(strFolder & "\*.txt", vbNormal)
While strFile <> ""
  Set wdDoc = Documents.Open(FileName:=strFolder & "\" & strFile, _
    Format:=wdOpenFormatEncodedText, Encoding:=msoEncodingUTF8, _
    AddToRecentFiles:=False, Visible:=False)
  wdDoc.SaveAs2 FileName:=strFolder & "\" & Replace(strFile, ".txt", ".doc"), _
     Fileformat:=wdFormatXMLDocument, AddToRecentFiles:=False
  wdDoc.Close SaveChanges:=False
  strFile = Dir()
Set wdDoc = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Function GetFolder() As String
Dim oFolder As Object
GetFolder = ""
Set oFolder = CreateObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose a folder", 0)
If (Not oFolder Is Nothing) Then GetFolder = oFolder.Items.Item.Path
Set oFolder = Nothing
End Function


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Recruit: I tried but nothing changed as still .TXT.

straycat19: would it be simpler to run the command in Registry? Please give details of the ways to do it and thanks.

I never ran a registry cleaner so far as it may tolerate my registry files and folders.

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can u post one of the doc so can  see if can convert  back to doc ?

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2 hours ago, hakah said:

Days before, I found that all my .doc files were changed to .txt. How is that? Can any member help me to have them changed back to .doc or any means to solve this problem. Mnay many thanks!


Help member to help you - give details and members can follow help direction :


1- corrupt file

2- only extension change

3- default open program change


FIRST - drag&drop 1 file into word and see if open correctly and formatting correct

if open correctly, members help take other direction

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41 minutes ago, hakah said:

Recruit: I tried but nothing changed as still .TXT.

straycat19: would it be simpler to run the command in Registry? Please give details of the ways to do it and thanks.

I never ran a registry cleaner so far as it may tolerate my registry files and folders.

Do not make fool things, better give more info, upload some files somewhere which before was .doc and now is .txt. Then we can control what has happened, is there really something changed or is changed only the file extension.
Here already has given some very bad suggestions, and if you try them all, You may be be sure to get rid of your files. Of course, if it has not already happened.
Every time if sombody asks for help, must give as much as possible info. It is the first what to do.

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10 minutes ago, hakah said:

Followings are just samples of the .txt files as all of original .doc had been changed:

  1. readme.txt
  2. Seed4MeVpn.txt
  3. TransferPhotos.txt

1. it is empty - ......

2. absolutely normal .txt format - Encoding ANSI

3- absolutely normal .txt format - Encoding ANSI

Therefore, it is very unbelievable that they have been in the .doc format.
Do you have any true/real .doc formatted document in the same folder where these are?

Or are all .doc formatted documents gone?

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27 minutes ago, hakah said:

Followings are just samples of the .txt files as all of original .doc had been changed:





this 3 files never been in doc format me think!


doc file even if corrupt have tags and headers inside

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I think op had word as the default txt editor. the alleged "format chage" is just that the file icon changed and they open in some other program (hidden file extensions of course), but they never were really .doc  (btw, isn't the correct extension .docx for a while now?)

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7 hours ago, VileTouch said:

(btw, isn't the correct extension .docx for a while now?)


if very old files may be *.doc


but if recent depend into how you save word documents

you have choice save files *.doc (word 97-2003 document for compatibility with old word versions) or *.docx (and other formats.........)

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