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Torrent issues and related


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Hy everyone, im experiencing some issues here and would like to make some questions to you, oh almighty torrent gurus. :D

Im using NOD32 Smart Security and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

I always forward the ports from the programs im using in order to get a good connection. Then i realized that programs like e-mule and my utorrent never got a good connection again, that happened because i started to use NOD32 and his built-in firewall kicked in.

1º Since i didnt manage to open just the needed ports in NODs firewall i turned it off and turned windows xp's firewall on adding those programs just to the exception list. Programs are working fine again (with High ID) BUT if someone has the patience how to teach me how to confiigure NODs firewall in order to use it and still get High IDs i would apreciate that.

2º Malwarebytes Anti-malware often shows messages like Malwarebytes IP detection: Infections detectd Ip: xxx.xxx and so on.

I dont even suspected that this could be blocking off connections in my utorrent (and yes i think it is blocking them off, because every time i start my client it shows this message and tough i can download i wasnt able to seed) since i paid some attention now and realized that even some pages that arent infected with some kind of malware, for example the awesome RPG comic Order of the Stick gets blocked by Malwarebytes Antimalware (when i turn it off, page works. If i turn it on and refresh the page firefox fails to load it.). So in this case my question is, anyone can teach me how to configure it to not block certain pages and my torrent client?

3º Could it be demonoid is somehow blocking:

A ) Brazil? B ) My Ip OR am i somehow having trouble with cookies or dunno what else? When i try to acces the page favicon turns into demonoids favicon but i get a blank page. I tried it again on Explorer thinking it could be a problem with firefox and there it just gave me an error message BUT when i use ultrasurf it does work.

Any help and suggestion is welcome.

Im sorry i made such a big topic but i tried to explain the problems im experiencing well.

And sorry for any grammar or english mistake.

Please forgive me / move this if posted on the wrong place



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I first have a few questions about your configuration and hardware.

1. a..Router/Modem .. model

b..Exact Network setup.. Are you the only one on your network, Administrator ( sole user ).

2. DNS server .. ISP or other?

3. Traffic Shaping software? Installed/using? Filetring such as PG2/uTorrent IPFilter?

4. Alterations to OS, ( sort of comes under Traffic Shaping ) are you using Half-open limit fix, Port Triggering/Simple Port Forwarding, Tor, VPN, SE Config? BeTwin?

5. Checked client forums for speed and setup guides?

6. Used advanced options for both program separately, with the other turned off to check changes?

7. Added items to blacklist/whitelist for either?

8. Checked any information regarding service agreements or involvement of your ISP/Government in any Anti-Piracy actions/lawsuits.

9. Trying to download VIP torrents from demonoid.com?

10. Altered any advanced settings for your client?

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Answering (what i can :x)

1 a: D-link 500g

b: sole user

2: isp

3: Traffic Shaping - I dont even know what that is, so i guess answer is No

uTorrent Ipfilter - Yes, but i dont even know why (you may call this stupid)

4: No fancy stuff, im a noob and just forwarded ports following portforward.com (i guess its the simple port forwarding option)

5: Client is well configured on open trackers i used to get max speed and also uploaded the best it can be with my connection. But now im having my first experiences on private trackers so i cant really tell you. DHT and Peerexchange is turned off tough since TL asks for it (and i used to use this on the open trackers)

6: No advanced options. NOD32 was installed and firewall turned off changing to xp's firewall. And malwarebytes anti-malware as far as i could see (and searched) had only the protection on/off option.

7: Nope.

8: No i didnt checked but i can tell you that here in brazil we are not (yet) having those problems. We just download and get lots of pirate stuff (actually you can find pirate stuff being sold on street corners here, so yeah, i think they should care about that first before they take care of the internet xD)

9: I just got the invite for demonoid, when i tried to acces the page to register i already got the blank page sooo, no im not trying to download a vip file.

10: Yes, i instaleed Ipfilter but under preferences > advanced i changed its value to false to turn it off and see if i had any improvement in seeds.

Hope i answered most question at least a bit satisfactorily, sorry for any noobness and thanks for trying to help out!

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Okay I am going to reply in this post, in a little bit..I have some things to do first but I wanted to touch base with you..The main thing that I can see right now, is that you need to walk through ESET's advanced options, all of them one by one, including the firewall..Turn off the other one while you are adjusting your settings..that way you can observe changes in your Internet that can and will take place before a restart of your system for the remaining ones.

This being the really big thing. There are also default settings in the IDS section of options that can cause several different issues, depending on your DNS/ISP. You can also use an alternate DNS to be able to turn on more protection, and still have a proper connection. So some of these things can cause such an issue in some cases it can completely kill your connection..Symptoms are not always the same..

FIRST THOUGH..The Firewalls advanced options would be the best place to look if its just the one program that your having issues with...You need to learn the difference between the two 'Trusted' ( basically Intranet ) and 'Internet'.. Yo need to have your program turned to Interactive Mode not learning or automatic.. or it can automatically lock your programs out..and you need to thoroughly understand the Zone and Rule Editor...You need to do an internet search for definitions of anything you do not understand in the advanced options, it can render better, more thorough answers, especially from the Wikipedia.. than I could in a single forum post without writing a book. Start from the top and hit every drop down and section...From AV, to Antispam..everything. Yo do have to set up the program...

I will edit and change this post when I have a little more time and finish up what I am doing.. so I will be back with a little more.. but let me know how your doing...with this part .. and I would also address your other program as well.. Do a web search and see if the two applications have any know incompatibilities with one another too.. would be a good idea.

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You don't need to turn off DHT and Peer Exchange in uTorrent because those options are automatically disabled for torrent files coming from private trackers. uTorrent automatically give you the best of both worlds so to speak.

My suggestions are to disable IP protection in Malware Bytes, all those are false positives and just hinder you from connecting to hosts. Normally the IP protection turns itself on at startup so you might want to disable MBAM at startup and just use it as an on demand scanner.

If you have trouble accessing demonoid then either the site is having problems or your ISP DNS servers have old data cached, better to use opendns. As of now it is only reported that demonid is blocking Russia, I don't know if that is still in effect but I have not heard anything regarding Brazil.

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Trash ESET firewall. It had blocked many of my connections that I had made a rule to allow it. Use Comodo, it is the best.

For demonoid, even I'm not able to open it from my country, I asked my country friends and they also have same problem, it seems to be blocked here, but I can easily open it when I'm usin a Canada/USA proxy.

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For demonoid, even I'm not able to open it from my country, I asked my country friends and they also have same problem, it seems to be blocked here, but I can easily open it when I'm usin a Canada/USA proxy.

i can open/download from demonoid..haha :P

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I still cannot open the site without usin foreign proxy.

This is what error I got when I tried with IE -

This error (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error) means that the website you are visiting had a server problem which prevented the webpage from displaying.
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Trash ESET firewall. It had blocked many of my connections that I had made a rule to allow it. Use Comodo, it is the best.

For demonoid, even I'm not able to open it from my country, I asked my country friends and they also have same problem, it seems to be blocked here, but I can easily open it when I'm usin a Canada/USA proxy.

Even I had the same problem with ESS. It didn't allow any ports I opened and included in th exceptions.

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It's pretty 'easy' to configure ESET to work with uTorrent ;)

About Demonoid blocking Brazil: http://torrentfreak.com/reports-demonoid-b...untries-080620/. They're still partially blocking the Netherlands so they might as well still be blocking Brazil.

Now I don't have ESS installed any more(EAV only) so these directions might be a little vague. Oh wait, my memory is coming back, there's a post on this :D

Read this WHOLE topic.

Also read this.

Then make sure you exclude the port ESET uses and you unchecked 'Choose random port at launch' in uTorrent. If possible also add uTorrent.exe to the firewall exclusions.

You mentioned that is was working properly before you installed ESET so I'll assume that you've configured your router/modem properly ;)

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Ok Guys, sorry for not replying sooner. I was out of town those past 2 days.


If you are sure about them being automatically disabled then i am going to enable them again.

I tried to use other DNS, including openDNS, but im still getting the same blank page.


I read malakai1911's security guide and i think i will switch from ESS + Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to EAV + Comodo Firewall + dont know what else. Firstly i will only install EAV and Comodo and go through the in-depth configuration you pointed out.


Yup thats exactly it, Firefox gives me a blank page, Internet Explorer gives me the same "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error". I also asked ppl here from brazil in another forum i use and they replied that they are experiencing the same problem, so at least it is not something related to my computer. Could be ISP's here... not sure though.

Using Ultrasurf makes it work though. Question is: If i use ultrasurf to download a torrent and then upload and download without having ultrasurf turned on, will it still account Downloaded/Seeded data to my account in Demonoid?


Yup! That is exactly what im experiencing. The irony is, i always was able to acces Demonoid when i did not have an account. Now that i have one its blocked -- lol

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If you are able to open it with ultrasurf then it means that you are usin a proxy service from another country. That is what I'm sayin. Demonoid is not blocked by you ISP it is blocked in whole your and mine country.

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