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EZ CD Audio Converter


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EZ CD Audio Converter, formerly Easy CD-DA Extractor, rips audio CDs with exact and reliable error detection and two-pass verification of audio, allows editing of metadata supporting multiple services for retrieving high-quality metadata, and burns discs. It has a very fast multi-core audio converter that allows parallel audio conversion with up to 8 parallel converters. All combined in a user friendly interface.

Thanks to SalaR for the update.


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why don't you remove the cracks for the ancient version from the FP?? they're completely useless


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Don't act so frustrated over every new version of this app, use this endless trial by Fuken Gruven.



EZ CD Audio Converter 6.0.9 Build 1 Portable Endless Trial by Fuken Gruven


Site: http://www.mediafire.com
Sharecode[?]: /download/92f44v1f9wfa6f5/EZCDPortable_x.x.x_32bit_64bit_Multilingual_Rev.3_online.paf.exe


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7 hours ago, Plexxor said:

Don't act so frustrated over every new version of this app, use this endless trial by Fuken Gruven.



EZ CD Audio Converter 6.0.9 Build 1 Portable Endless Trial by Fuken Gruven


Site: http://www.mediafire.com
Sharecode[?]: /download/92f44v1f9wfa6f5/EZCDPortable_x.x.x_32bit_64bit_Multilingual_Rev.3_online.paf.exe



I agree. An updated version is available ;)

EZ CD Audio Converter Portable (PAF) Online Installer / Setup Extractor by @FukenGruven (credits @Dave Green for update)


- 32-bit and/or 64-bit choice

- Multilanguage
- Endless Trial

- GD3 Included


Site: https://www.upload.ee

Sharecode[?]: /files/7203670/EZCDPortable_x.x.x_32bit_64bit_Multilingual_Rev.4_online.paf.exe.html


Offline Installation (Setup Extraction):
This method bypasses online downloading
1. 32-bit official download link: https://download.poikosoft.com/ez_cd_audio_converter_setup_x86.exe
    64-bit official download link: https://download.poikosoft.com/ez_cd_audio_converter_setup_x64.exe 
2. Place next to EZCDPortable_x.x.x_32bit_64bit_Multilingual_Rev.4_online.paf.exe
3. Install as normal


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9 hours ago, jvidal said:

1. I don't use portable apps.

2. I prefer a more permanent solution.

1. I use portable apps for this software and i dont care what you do i run a me program not a you program .

2. If you want every update you should buy it if you dont want too use trial reset portable .

3. I  dont use trial reset portables myself but i dont really see a reason to update this program every time the DEV does i think he just does updates too kill cracks. Old version is always fine tell you see a update posted meaning new and improved is mostly in you're mind. :)

4. I been following this program since 2007 it's updates and it's always been a game of cat and mouse and there is no permanent solution for updates unless you buy it or learn how too crack it yourself .

5.You are lucky some still think it's still a good enough target too crack sometimes even, because I know of other apps that the dev acted like this that can be cracked pretty easy  were they have not been cracked in years because they waste the crackers time. Even in the real scene they don't allow groups to release but once every 30 days for a minor  update so you should not expect no cracker to crack it every time the dev decides too update.

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13 hours ago, jvidal said:

1. I don't use portable apps.

2. I prefer a more permanent solution.


waiting for the fix...

Only death is a permanent state, and for some people a solution, yes i am waiting too, to become a multi billionaire.

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29 minutes ago, Plexxor said:

Only death is a permanent state, and for some people a solution, yes i am waiting too, to become a multi billionaire.

Version Fever is a serious addiction that can completely consume people's lives.

Try to avoid it. You will look back one day and wonder why you wasted all those years having to have the latest version of everything.


Just a friendly warning.

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2 hours ago, Stig said:

Version Fever is a serious addiction that can completely consume people's lives.

Yes because you know,  because i remember you from when i use too be addicted   too helping people get there fix (latest version) at appznet and other forums. I use too be a pusher man for this  addiction. but in this game  patience is a vulture  and i have done updates even for legit stuff i use and have too revert back to older versions because of regressions. Some folks act like they can't wait for things, so they ask and ask and ask and then demand and even get mad .


They will even break something that works right to satisfy there addiction. But what really sucks about it is how many times the majority of you ever went out of you're way to help others like we helped you and that's why I started a me program and not a you program because I always have been a good web scout and can find my own updates and i take time too thank everyone i download from even if i didn't even really need them too find it.


Not me i still use older versions of stuff not just because of cracks not being available i think EZ CD is one of the few programs i use were i wait on a fix  but some programs I use older versions because i dont like how the new works or they have bugs in new versions that break things . I have many portables of programs because i dont use them everyday and some hardly at all . I install stuff i use a lot or have services that require it but installing too much is bad on you're systems.   :P    :)



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