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Format SD Memory Cards with SD Card Formatter 5.0


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There are all the different type of memory cards that we use in various devices for many reasons – to extend the device’s in-built memory, to keep a backup of pictures and videos and so on. But we often make the mistake of formatting these SD cards using the format functions given inside these devices.


All of these devices do not use the same type of formatting routines and can actually damage the SD cards. This is why the SD Association has released the specialized software called SD Card Formatter. The new version of this software has improved support for all types of SD memory cards including, SD, SDXC and SDHC. And if you have microSD card, then you can simply attach it to an SD card adapter before attaching it to your PC.


The new version of the SD Card Formatter, version 5.0, has a new unified interface and allows you to access everything from the same window. In the previous version, you had to choose the options from a different screen. Apart from this, the application is also said to have improved support for formatting the SD cards.


SD Card Formatter


So after attaching your SD cards to your PC directly or through a SD card adapter device, you can launch the SD Card Formatter, choose the drive letter for the SD card and it will instantly display some information for your SD memory card like the type of the card and the memory capacity.


You can choose either the quick format or the full format and click on the Format button to start the format process. For most of the users, quick format should be the ideal choice as opposed to the full format which takes forever and might actually reduce the lifespan of the memory card.


Conclusion: If you want to format your SD memory cards properly, then you should consider using the official SD memory card formatting solution – the SD Card Formatter software. It supports all types of SD memory cards and does not give up on bad cards that easily.


You can download the SD Card Formatter 5.0 from https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter_4/.


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