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How to spot fake photos


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Look closely enough and you’ll see the hidden signs


A picture may say a thousand words, but what if the photograph has been fabricated? There are ways to spot a fake – you just have to look closely enough.


Take a look at the photograph below – it’s just an ordinary picture of two people outside a building, right? One of them appears to be handing something to the other.


Now take a closer look. Not everything in this picture is as it seems.


< there's a picture here in the article >


The tell-tale signs may not jump out at you, but to Hany Farid, the image is littered with evidence – one of the reflections in the window is misaligned and the shadows do not line up.


This photograph is a fake. One of the men was not there at all.


Research suggests that regardless of what you might think about your own abilities to spot a hoax, most of us are pretty bad at it. Farid, however, looks at photographs in a different way to most people. As a leading expert in digital forensics and image analysis, he scrutinises them for the almost imperceptible signs that suggest an image has been manipulated.


Please, if interested, read the article < here >

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11 minutes ago, Batu69 said:

Topic moved from Guides & Tutorials forum.


Original title article is

The hidden signs that can reveal a fake photo

Hidden signs are inanimate, so are photos. Signs reveal nothing (without a subject).   ;)


A person uses these hidden signs (as guiding tools) to spot a fake photo.  Just sayin' ... :flowers:



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Even if you don't have any sophisticated application, you can find some signs of "manipulation" in photos. All you need is a grapghic application which might let you to zoom in up to pixel level, which might let you see some evident pixel inconsistencies.

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