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PDF-XChange Viewer Pro 2.5.322.5


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PDF-XChange Viewer is an alternative viewer for PDF files that enables you to view and annotate PDF files. You can add text, sticky notes, and other annotations and save them to the file, which will be compatible with the standard Adobe PDF reader. The program also includes OCR functionality, as well as options to extract text and images, export a documents to image formats, and more. PDF-XChange Viewer offers a modern, tabbed interface and an attractive set of features.

Thanks to ARMOUR for the update.


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@jalaffa  i have already posted the link for portable version here  ;)  ;  you don't see. :o


jalaffa edit: I see the sea, sorry for missing your posting.

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4 hours ago, snf said:

jalaffa edit: I see the sea, sorry for missing your posting.

:lol: No problem dear. Next time .:)

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Pdf XChange viewer 2.5.322.5 PRO portable standalone fine release (english version only, file unsigned)
settings are stored in same dir (only one file generated: settings.dat), PRO features enabled (no watermarks), OCR is included, enable all not allowed permissions in secured PDFs: [Goto: menu File-Document properties-security-security method= set NO SECURITY - OK and save file] - Added two new searchproviders: DuckDuckGo and Ixquick -12 MB only



sharecode:  /7DVngr2m8
pass zip file:  nsane
download: 30 days lifespan
(if you are interested in regularly using software, buy it to support the manufacturer)


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At the homepage  it says this program was discontinued


The PDF-XChange Viewer has been discontinued and replaced by the PDF-XChange Editor which is now available including all the features of the Viewer and much, much more. . .


You can't buy it any longer. Only you can buy another software and use the key from it.


Note: For those users that would still like to use the licensed "PRO" version of PDF-XChange Viewer, the Serial keys for PDF-XChange Editor, PDF-Tools and PDF-XChange Pro are compatible for directly unlocking the "Pro" features of the Viewer.


There is too much free competition out there every since Foxit Reader went freeware years ago and most likely they never sold it very much.


They wanted $79 when the rest of the competition was free



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