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Total Uninstall 6.20.1


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Total Uninstall is a complete uninstaller which include two working modes: - "Installed programs" module analyze existing installations and create a log with installation changes. It is able to uninstall applications even without the help of supplied Add/Remove program. - "Monitored programs" module helps to monitor any changes made to your system during the installation of a new application. It allows you to perform a complete uninstall without having to rely on the supplied Add/Remove program which can leave files or changes behind.

Thanks to Astron for the update.


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  • Replies 49
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Version 6.20.1 (2017-06-29)
  • New Vietnamese language, others updated
  • [Ultimate] Option to disable undo information for a fast restore
  • [Ultimate] Option to show key write time in the current column
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Who is the main person for medicine for this software?

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No big news in chancelog..................worth updating......??:rolleyes:

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  • 2 months later...
29 minutes ago, remek002 said:

Total Uninstall Professional x86/x64 incl. Crack v1 - Not Fully Tested


Site: http://rgho.st

Sharecode: /8tXS977w6

doesn't work for me nothing gets uninstalled.





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15 minutes ago, BioHazard said:

doesn't work for me nothing gets uninstalled.


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Briefly Tested and working - Win7 x64




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15 hours ago, BioHazard said:

doesn't work for me nothing gets uninstalled.


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the previous version does not work for me,

this version tested and works fine on Windows 10 pro 1703 x64

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This version works fine for me !

In the past I used v. that worked for about a month and after that I got same thing like others from here.....Then I switched to v. ( v3. by @remek002 ) and worked fine until today,  when I installed this one....We will see how long it lasts.


Martau DNSs are blocked onto my devices and also to my local network since long time ago :   : martau.com  : total-uninstall.com


Wonder if he got new others ..........




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5 hours ago, Recruit said:

This version works fine for me !

In the past I used v. that worked for about a month and after that I got same thing like others from here.....Then I switched to v. ( v3. by @remek002 ) and worked fine until today,  when I installed this one....We will see how long it lasts.


Well, it looks as Martau has started "equipping" his program with "time bombs"...

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1 hour ago, subdivider said:

Well, it looks as Martau has started "equipping" his program with "time bombs"...

He always has  he contaminates the registry  thorough the internet  check..  you may be able too clean it up with Registry Trash Keys Finder though .. From years of testing if you really have the app blocked from the internet and never let it touch the internet  too begin with  it's not possible. I'ts only if  the app touches the internet is it possible. If the crack misses  any checks and it not blocked proper you can bet on it . Using  this app and not blocking  it proper is just asking for it sooner or latter because every update he adds more protection . The problem with blocking it he has ban most  firewalls and it will unregister  as soon as you try to block it with 95%  of known Firewalls  only very few still work to even block it and it detect host blocks too.


I could test  the crack too see if it just missing checks or if the trial is expiring but it not worth it too me just too get a new version when I have a fully working version with a serial. Besides  I just use Revo Pro most of the time i think it's the better one of the two .But I had problems with Revo  and  BSOD  and it's Driver on windows 10  before so it has bugs too.


TU has always had bugs were it can uninstall too much and botch you're system were you need too reformat or use a image so be careful  what you uninstall with it . normal users dont ever use a 3rd party uninstaller  and they go years and years and never need too reformat .

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Just now, knowledge said:

maybe if gets fixed post in vip

Why ?  there has never been a generic fix for TU  ether  the crack  fully works or it dont ..And serials always get blacklisted no matter were you post them  because  too many people use blacklisted  firewalls and if i have too block apps trough my router  too stop it from calling home  it not worth it too me like Sharelol said there are free ones and there are many other shareware ones that are not as much problem  so over the years most people have replaced it that use these kind of tools. Not many people are going pay for a uninstaller program as a service as this dev expect he wants you too buy a new key every year it's a wonder hes still even in business. I know  Your uninstaller use too be most used one before they made Revo Pro and it not updated in many years now.

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Hes does good work  because he makes the paf  clean up the mess  it makes  but this program is not really natively portable  it runs better if you install it ..If you have it blocked right with a serial or you buy it you  dont really need a portable the reason so many people used his portable is because he made it were it can keep it from hitting the internet . It's  just like the  Devs make portables TU  and Revo Pro there not really stealth  but only portable in a way witch you can use from a USB drive.


I ran it it installed since like 2008 with very little problems  i dont always update too the latest  like i use too because i no longer have use of a legit key since version 5 i just wait tell the next serial leaks too update . One serial leaked in 2014  and one in 2016  so i only update it about once every two years now lol .

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Never used hostfiles or firewall-rules on this app , and its still working flawless............!        :D

( even on last version also )

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So something weird happened. When I got the FC Portables version of this program (which is virtualized and doesn't use PAF) not only did it work, but it 'unbroke' the PAF version as well as the installed cracked version. Which means FC Portables must do something to scrub anti-piracy measures. (I'd rather not directly link but it's easy to google)


It seems virtualizing this software is the way to go as the author continues adding more and more anti-piracy measures... keeping it in a 'sandbox'.

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5 hours ago, SalaR said:

Total Uninstall 6.20.1 x86 Portable By fcportables | 15 MB

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Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/7442798/Total_Uninstall_Professional_6.20.1.475_x86_Portable.7z.html


Site: https://yadi.sk
Sharecode[?]: /d/QYlPyLbR3Mktpz



it's weird only the portable version works on my computer without a problem :yes:





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