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TeamViewer 12.0.78716


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TeamViewer is a simple and fast solution for remote control, desktop sharing and file transfer that works behind any firewall and NAT proxy. To connect to another computer just run TeamViewer on both machines without the need of an installation procedure. With the first start automatic partner IDs are generated on both computers. Enter your partner's ID into TeamViewer and the connection is established immediately. With many thousand users worldwide TeamViewer is a standard tool to give support and assistance to people in remote locations.

Thanks to kabino for the update.


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TeamViewer Patch v5.3 By DeltaFoX/TeamURET  @Deltafox [ 2017.07.01 ]

 ( Corporate - Premium - Enterprise )


Site: https://cloud.mail.ru
Sharecode[?]: /public/DrBu/W16mip9Z5


Site: https://yadi.sk
Sharecode[?]: /d/9FSMyPW53KfB7d


Site: https://sendit.cloud
Sharecode[?]: /cv3syx397kdp


1) Support for latest v12.0.78716
2) Disabled Backup Options (For check control)
3) Added option to nullify all occurrences, or just the main ones
4) Minor Bug Fix



TeamViewer 12.xx Patch v2 AoRE  @The Hidden 2000

( Corporate )


Site: https://cloud.mail.ru
Sharecode[?]: /public/9ieA/uHyxk8krP
Site: https://sendit.cloud
Sharecode[?]: /yztsvrzxdmce
Site: https://yadi.sk
Sharecode[?]: /d/-wxQtA7F3KVXM7
Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com
Sharecode[?]: /files/NOCNFJSH/TeamViewer_12.xx_Patch_v2_AoRE.rar_links




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I wouldnt bother about posting "patches" for this, they wont work


Use free or pay for it....

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Does anybody have TeamViewer fixed version like IDM? Some body doesn't like cr@ck, because they concerned that have virus. So that it's harmful to their computer

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi! i am really desperate with this problem,i try to install TeamViewer free,or run from portable,but the program won't  let me use  it! it gave me this error  every time!


TeamViewer Critical Error.JPG


I really hope that anyone can help me,please,thanks.


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2 hours ago, jack said:

Hi! i am really desperate with this problem,i try to install TeamViewer free,or run from portable,but the program won't  let me use  it! it gave me this error  every time!


TeamViewer Critical Error.JPG


I really hope that anyone can help me,please,thanks.




This kind of problem can be solved using a uninstaller that works deeply, like Revo Uninstaller Pro or Total Uninstall Pro (a manual check/delete of all Teamviewer's registry keys/files could be anyway needed). If the error persists, you can try other ways:


Credits @Deltafox


For all users that have problems like expiration or blacklist of the mac address, follow this steps

- Uninstall TeamViewer
- Click Start then type %appdata% and delete the TeamViewer folder
- Click Start then type %temp% and delete the contents of this folder
- Click Start then type %homedrive%\Windows\temp and delete the contents of this folder
- Click Start then type regedit and delete the following registry keys

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TeamViewer

- Change your MAC address, either manually or with a tool like "Technitium MAC Address Changer Portable" [I suggest changing the MAC address on all network connections, wireless and wired]


- Download SIDCHG - SID changer utility
- Open a Command Prompt with Administrator rights, and run the following command

sidchg.exe /f /r /key:3UtEH-N1EfZ-j193d-1f (for 32-bit)

sidchg64.exe /f /r /key:3UtEH-N1EfZ-j193d-1f (for 64-bit)
The trial key comes from this page
SIDCHG can take a while to end. You might need to set your date to June 31st for SIDCHG to work, or you can use a cracked version of SIDCHG:
- Restart your PC
- Install TeamViewer [You’ll see your PC has a new TeamViewer ID]


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Sadly nothing works,the only way i can use TeamViewer now is with the Corporate portable Paf previous version 12.0.78313 by Dave Green,i just hope that hes make this new version,or anyone else with enough knowledge,if not  i'm stuck with this  version  forever :(

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My impression is that we need a new medicine by @Deltafox


I've installed the last official version and it regularly works, also as enterprise, using medicine v5.3


All Portable (PAF) versions I've tried worked as free only, the medicine doesn't works

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Could someone please make TeamViewer Corporate portable Paf 12.0.78313,thanks

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Well i am literally fu*** my Corporate version of Teamviewer is also lost,when i try to connect with the remote laptop,it give me the dreadful error that showed in the picture a few posts above,please anybody know the best alternative for Teamviewer? if possible that comes in portable format too,free or paid,thanks!

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5 hours ago, jack said:

Well i am literally fu*** my Corporate version of Teamviewer is also lost,when i try to connect with the remote laptop,it give me the dreadful error that showed in the picture a few posts above,please anybody know the best alternative for Teamviewer? if possible that comes in portable format too,free or paid,thanks!

When I got blocked from using teamviewer (I was using corporate version and I had to contact teamviewer support to convince them I was using free version) I used ultraviewer


Home page: http://ultraviewer.net/en/

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