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How to create your own windows 10 ProfessionalEducation ISO


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Hello everyone;


As you know there is no Official win10 ProEducation Iso currently so I will show you how you can create your own win10 proeducation iso so that you can use it to do fresh install at any time.

1) You have to have either win10 multiple editions 1703 (Pro + Home) or windows 10 CoreSingleLanguage


2) You have to install either windows home 1703 or windows 10 CoreSingleLanguage 1703


I suppose than members have more win10 home 1703 version installed on their machine than windows 10 CoreSingleLanguage 1703.

For those who don’t have any of these versions installed on their machine, you can use virtual machine like VirtualBox to install one of these versions.
Once the installation is done, you put the iso on the desktop and you extract the file install.wim from source folder iso and you past the file on C: drive, you create at the same time folder called mount

I will be assuming that win10 home 1703 that is installed in the machine


3) Now we are going to mount the image file install.wim into the folder called mount to be able to convert the file later to ProfessionalEducation


So open command prompt (in admin mode) then type this :

cd \


then type this :

Attrib install.wim -R (to delete readonly attribute to be able to mount the image)


Then you type this :
Dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:C:\Install.wim /index:2 /MountDir:C:\mount

You let the operation to proceed until you see the message “The operation completed successfully” as you can see below :




If you have windows 10 CoreSingleLanguage 1703 edition installed or if you decide to install windows 10 CoreSingleLanguage 1703, you have to type this :
Dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:C:\Install.wim /index:1 /MountDir:C:\mount

You let the operation to proceed until you see the message “The operation completed successfully”

4) Now we are going to check which windows edition you are using so type this :
Dism /Image:C:\mount /Get-CurrentEdition



5) Now were are going to check to which different versions home edition can be upgraded so type this :
Dism /Image:C:\mount /Get-TargetEditions



As you can see on the screen, win10 home 1703 edition can be upgraded to 3 win10 editions (4 win10 editions for windows 10 CoreSingleLanguage) including win10 ProEducation which is very important as the conversion of wim file can be done in this case because proeducation edition is included among the 2 or 3 other editions.

6) And now this is the most important step as we are going now to convert the file install.wim from home to ProEducation so type this :
Dism /Image:C:\mount /Set-Edition:ProfessionalEducation

You let the operation to proceed until you see the message “The operation completed successfully” as you see below :




If win10 ProEducation Edition hadn’t been displayed on the screen, the conversion wouldn’t have been possible, that’s why you will have understood, you have to install either win10 home 1703 edition or win10 CoreSingleLanguage 1703 editions as I mentioned at first in the topic because both versions can be upgraded to ProEducation edition.

7) And finally were are going to unmount the image and make the necessary changes to install.wim file so type this :
Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:C:\mount /commit

Once again, you let the operation to proceed until you see the message “The operation completed successfully” as you can see below :




Once all these steps are done successfully, that means that you have converted install.wim file from home to ProEducation edition successfully.
Now that your install.wim is converted and ready, you have to transfer it to the iso file to replace the old install.wim from source folder iso by the new install.wim that you have just converted.

To do this, you have to use UltraIso tool to make the transfer :
8)) Download UltraIso from here


The tool is already pre registered so no need to use any serial or patch for the activation (thanks to @alfreire)


Before using the tool, if you have windows 10 CoreSingleLanguage 1703 edition you have to do a last step which is very important to be able to use correctly the new iso that you will create using ultraiso otherwise the installation of ProEducation cannot be done.

You have to extract the file ei.cfg from source folder iso then paste it on the desktop, open it using notepad then change CoresingleLanguage to ProfessionalEducation


If you have windows 10 home 1703 installed on your machine from win10 multiple editions (home + pro), no need to extract anything as ei.cfg file is not included in this iso version.

9) Now open UltraIso tool then click on “open” then choose the iso then transfer both files (ei.cfg file that you just edited from desktop and the new install wim that you have just converted into folder source iso to replace the old ones by the new ones)
Finally you click on “save as” then name the new iso as you like to create the new ProfessionalEducation Iso that you will be able to use for fresh installation at any time.


If you have windows 10 home 1703 installed on your machine, you just have to transfer the new install.wim into source folder iso to replace the old one.


Important : Once your Windows 10 ProfessionalEducation Iso is ready to use and you want to use it for the installation, at the beginning of the installation, you will have the same choice as usual between choosing to install home or pro version but you don't have to worry, home version was indeed replaced by proeducation version but it still appears as home when it is proeducation in reality so all you have to do is choose "home" and continue the installation and will see at the end of the installation that is ProEducation version that is installed.


If you don't want to be confused in the future, you can make sure that ProEducation starts automatically during the installation. To be able to do this, you have to create file called ei.cfg into source folder Iso then put these lines into the file then save :






You will have to use once again UltraIso tool to add the file then save to create a new ProfessionalEducation ISO.

Note : I’ve tested this on a virtual machine and it worked like a charm. I have now Windows 10 ProfessionalEducation Iso that I can install on any machine.


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Thanks you & @alfreire


other tip:


Merge All W10 Editions into One ESD/WIM


Quote mdl guy i forget name:


Just export all desired indexes into one install.wim"


dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"x:\install.wim" /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:"y:\install.wim" /Compress:max /checkintegrity

Or direct into one install.esd:

dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"x:\install.wim" /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:"y:\install.esd" /Compress:recovery /checkintegrity


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