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Internet Download Manager 6.28 Build 12


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Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use. Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance.

Thanks to SalaR for the update.


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Internet Download Manager 6.28 Build 12 [Auto-Cracked]... ;-)


-Auto-cracked with @Ali.Dbg patch v15.9... (Thanks to Ali.Dbg...)


-Can update previous versions...
-Close previous versions if they are running...

-Clean Fake Serial before install...

-To Silent Install use /silent or /verysilent switch...

-Optional Personal Adjusts:

Site: http://pastebin.com
Sharecode[?]: /rQaFwQWa
-NEW: Now you cad add your own settigs by putting the file Settings.reg in the same folder than installer...
Thanks: To @Ali.Dbg for the patch & @ronaldinho424 for help me with AutoIT Silent part... :D



Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com
Sharecode[?]: /files/0M6ZCB75/1DM.v6.28.b12.Setvp.rar_links


Cheers... ;-)


NOTE: Images displayed can be outdated...







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@addhaloka Your latest patch posted earlier today...


...gives an error when patching 6.28.12




Looking forward to a fix when it's convenient for you to do so ;)


EDIT: Fix here:

Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/7101500/62812.7z.html


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Internet Download Manager 6.x Online [Auto-Cracked]... ;-)


-Download and install always last version of IDM...

-Auto-cracked with @Ali.Dbg patch v15.9... (Thanks to Ali.Dbg...)


-Can update previous versions...
-Close previous versions if they are running...

-Clean Fake Serial before install...

-To Silent Install use /silent or /verysilent switch...

-Optional Personal Adjusts:

Site: http://pastebin.com
Sharecode[?]: /rQaFwQWa
-You cad add your own settigs by putting the file Settings.reg in the same folder than installer...
Thanks: To @Ali.Dbg for the patch & @ronaldinho424 for help me with AutoIT Silent part... :D



Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com
Sharecode[?]: /files/0VUWAEX2/IDM.v6.x_Online.Setup.rar_links


Cheers... ;-)





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Internet Download Manager Online Installer 1.3.5 NEW VERSİON

pWv5oJ.pngkWZMgy.png  nWYyQ1.png

# Unattended Installation.

# Find the new version.
# Patch By The Hidden 2000 Update V5.

# Patch By Team Reis Update 12

# Patch By Ali.Dbg 15.9 

# Patch By Xanax

# Patch By Kjacky Uret


Site: https://my.pcloud.com
Sharecode[?]: /publink/show?code=XZuVw3Ztul5bNlAM9y6WzDPVqBPnYsE1zzV


Internet Download Manager 6.28 Build 12

Unattended and Orginal Setup.

# Integrated Cracked.( By The Hidden 2000 v5 NEW

# Added Windows 10 Themes

# Added PureFlat 2016 Themes. ( Default )

Disabled license agreement. 
Disabled update check button.

# Disabled startup tip.

Added Desktop Shortcut.


Silent Install
Site: https://userscloud.com
Sharecode[?]: /3zzi1ut8pw0p



Site: https://userscloud.com
Sharecode[?]: /8byxyhk22616

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Patch By Xanax

Completely did not work on the latest version

Log patch:


Loading File:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager\IDMan.exe
Can't find pattern! Trying next one...
Backup File:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager\IDMan.exe.BAK
Restore original file time : OK
File patched!



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6 hours ago, T3rM1nat0Rr3 said:

Looking forward to a fix when it's convenient for you to do so


Temporarily fixed it, there may be errors, but short tested - seems all OK. Perhaps in a few days it will be clear what's what or will be made a normal fix.


Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/7099448/idm.6.28.12-patch.rar.html

upd. Minor fix after an hour, reupload.

upd2. Fix was not needed, moreover, it made a buggy. Returned the previous version of patch, which was not a problem.




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3 hours ago, 0bin said:

Maybe cause Ramen, aka, IDM Developer is actively looking the forum for known patch? I will suggest move anything IDM related to vault zone. If still happen Ramen is not the IDM developer but Santa, if not happen anymore is the IDM developer.

If he belongs here hes been here along time when I 1st started updating IDM  again back when I 1st got Windows 8.1 in  2013 after using the same version for 2 years  I would get bad cracks from here and also by 2014 host blocks were leaking trough ,then 2015 he started missing with firewall block and patches  and added a vp key  to blacklist you're registry ..He will chill out after a bit he always ha,s but maybe he mad because there too many patches again. . i seen like a 1000 patches go bad . He can find them at any warez site . When I 1st started using IDM  i was still a noob never heard of this site tell a year latter  and my favorite  Patch maker  was GAG witch i not seen in years 

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1 minute ago, 0bin said:

This guy has started silly speechs of copyright with knowledge, if his software is soo good why he doesn't go opensource? I'm tired of this.

That don't mean nothing I had people too do me the same way here  , I just tell them  if the DEV didn't want us too use it he will protect his app better . The DEV that makes IDM  has not even changed his serials  since  the early 2000s .Those fake serials  they use are old as dirt  :P

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Just now, 0bin said:

Protection costs money, you wanna sell best to make money? They start sending emissary of holy father to every warez forum to say we are going after you.


Maybe sometime they go after wrong member and stop talking.

I use too use GetFlv back years ago to download videos from hulu , Well that DEV was one of the worst I ever seen but a cracker from Team RES beat him the same loader worked for many years tell he defeated  it as long as you meet certain conditions. Same with TU it went years before anyone really cracked it but that DEV was  defeated . Anything can be cracked and IDM  has always had a fix . knowledge don't even use IDM  I don't think ? Why would the IDM dev go after him  when he don't even post cracks for that app?

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Patch By Team Reis Update 12 is still not working for this version lol :ph34r: @Ghost0507 please make new patch

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1 minute ago, 0bin said:

And they are constantly copying other works, without paying royalties to anyone. If they try to protect their software more, they should need some cracked program to protect, as they cannot afford real license.

I dont know about it maybe there like me and never buy software but a vpn  , I  seen a topics here were they be posting cracks for a 2 dollar app that you dont even really need . I can use something else that's free if i wanted. but bad habits are hard too break. If it bothers you that bad  just go off the grid and don't talk about using cracks  ..Not all members do you know  ..They don't know what you do unless  you speak about it or post them in public.

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11 minutes ago, 0bin said:

What bothers me is code I don't wrote.

I look at it like this it's nothing but software code you cant touch it  or hold it  so it's nothing to fret over and Microsoft dont even care unless you activate windows a 1000 times with the same ip  .So if the OS provider don't care in these  days when it's really hard to sell software  because everyone lives in there browser and Microsoft wants too kill Win 32 apps if they can . If they can't make software that sales  they need get a job that will pay because there failing  at what they do.. No Dev pays my bills the most they ever done for me is give me free windows or a key . So how are they better than me because there a geek who codes ?

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4 hours ago, kalach said:

Patch By Xanax

Completely did not work on the latest version

Log patch:



what do you mean when you say "Completely did not work"?

did you even try IDM after patching?


i don't see, for now, the IDM 6.28b12 calling these after patching (with or without VP key in registry):



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5 hours ago, kalach said:

Patch By Xanax

Completely did not work on the latest version

Log patch:


It works fine on my computer :showoff:


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14 minutes ago, Ramen said:

STOP STEALING SOFTWARE.  Get a job and get a life. 

Why do you come too a sites topic that allows people to post warez if you dont like cracks ? Go pm the staff about it or STFU  there a report button up there if you dont' like it   You not allowed too troll everyone no matter who you are or what you think. that's harassment.

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4 minutes ago, steven36 said:

Why do you come too a sites topic that allows people to post warez if you dont like cracks ? Go pm the staff about it or STFU  there a report button up there if you dont' like it   You not allow too troll everyone no matter who you are or what you think. that's harassment.

Ive been trying for months to contact the staff but it seems that you guys are all alone. Good luck everyone it was easy to breach accounts. Nothing has been payed for a long time here,  hens all the bugs. My posts will be removed soon (if anyone shows up) so i wish you all luck. Its not the members here that are the problem. but the staff;s info is all we need. 

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6 minutes ago, Ramen said:

Ive been trying for months to contact the staff but it seems that you guys are all alone. Good luck everyone it was easy to breach accounts. Nothing has been payed for a long time here,  hens all the bugs. My posts will be removed soon (if anyone shows up) so i wish you all luck. Its not the members here that are the problem. but the staff;s info is all we need. 

You have not even been a member here  but a few days much less a few months and the way you're headed you want be here much longer. i just seen the staff  here this morning and talked too a admin 2 days ago in a topic here. Are you the same one they ban the other week for trying to steal someones identity you sound like you was ban before and butt hurt ?

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15 minutes ago, Ramen said:

. Its not the members here that are the problem. but the staff;s info is all we need. 

I just reported you  and i have pics  so no need too edit you're post it want do no good!

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2 hours ago, Ramen said:

STOP STEALING SOFTWARE.  Get a job and get a life. 

     STOP BOTHERING PEOPLE.   Get a car and get a wife

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