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Japanese boy arrested for creating Ransomware


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A 14-year-old in Osaka has become the first person in Japan caught for allegedly creating Ransomware. The high school student, who was arrested the same day, is suspected of merging free encryption programs to build Ransomware, which makes computer files encrypted unless the victim paid a ransom.


Ransomware is a type of malicious software from cryptovirology that blocks access to the victim’s data or threatens to publish or delete it until a ransom is paid.


The student uploaded the Ransomware to a foreign website and informed users of the platform to download and use it, according to sources quoted by the Kyodo news agency.


The young boy, who supposedly learned by himself how to create this type of programme, revealed to the investigating authorities that he only wanted to become famous, according to state television channel NHK.


Japanese police said:

This ransomware has been downloaded over hundred times, allowed the users to infect the victim’s machines and demanded a ransom to be paid over Bitcoin.


The police have not announced the identity of the teenager (Ransomware maker), but have told that the high school student just needed about 3 days to develop the ransomware program using his personal computer.


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Heard about this. Really interesting but sad.


Considering how much competition's there, they are very hard working individuals from what I know about them.

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3 hours ago, adi said:

The young boy, who supposedly learned by himself how to create this type of programme, revealed to the investigating authorities that he only wanted to become famous, according to state television channel NHK.


It's sad that we, as a group of human beings, have created an environment where a young person would think he has to break the law and wreak havoc on people's computers in order to gain attention.  We, as a group, have instilled this in society through people like Kevin Mitnick, a script kiddie who wanted to be known as a hacker, never was, but has made a living from being a 'security expert' after being caught.  And Hector Monsegur, who led a group of young kids from around the world in hacking websites, and when caught because he was stupid, to save his ass, ratted on all his friends and testified against them.  And he is now a 'security expert'.  Kevin should be in jail and Hector should be dead, he would have been if one of those kids was mine.  Instead we are showing kids that if they are bad, and get caught, they can become famous and fairly prosperous.

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10 hours ago, straycat19 said:


It's sad that we, as a group of human beings, have created an environment where a young person would think he has to break the law and wreak havoc on people's computers in order to gain attention.  We, as a group, have instilled this in society through people like Kevin Mitnick, a script kiddie who wanted to be known as a hacker, never was, but has made a living from being a 'security expert' after being caught.  And Hector Monsegur, who led a group of young kids from around the world in hacking websites, and when caught because he was stupid, to save his ass, ratted on all his friends and testified against them.  And he is now a 'security expert'.  Kevin should be in jail and Hector should be dead, he would have been if one of those kids was mine.  Instead we are showing kids that if they are bad, and get caught, they can become famous and fairly prosperous.

Such a nice fluid post ... became jarring with and after the words "should be dead".    ;) 


But we all are slaves to our "styles".   :lol:  Cheers!  :flowers:


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