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The “Blade Runner 2049” trailer came out this week and offers a glimpse into our techtopian future


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It’s been a long week — you deserve to kick back and relax with a glimpse into our artificially intelligent future.


What are we talking about, you ask? The new “Blade Runner 2049” trailer hit the internet this week, offering a preview of what we can all expect 30 years into the future.


The good news: The world still exists and we will have flying cars, which is cool. The bad news: it looks as though we’ll be at war and will also be genetically engineering humans incubated in clear plastic bags. Science, amirite?



The movie, which comes out in October, is a long-awaited sequel to the original “Blade Runner” film from 1982. That film starred Harrison Ford, who is also in the new one, and was directed by Ridley Scott, who is executive producer for this new one.




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The original Blade Runner is a cinematic work of art, a near perfect movie. It'll take something special to even get close to it...but this sequel looks like it could be something special too. Looking forward to it a lot.

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The Original was based on Philip K. Dick's 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?'


This is where google took inspiration for it's Nexus 6 androids

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