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Defencewall Hips and Sandboxie


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Once you install COMODO, choose only the Firewall component.

Disregard the AV component, it's not worth it.

The files below are important:


















Since COMODO has a bad habit of including the AV component (even if you choose not to include it), you can delete them as long as it's not listed above. Now you reduce COMODO to ~30mb :tooth:

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no man Pentium D.Core 2 Duo i wish...
I think you can pelt out that Pentium D and get a cheap Pentium Dual Core, which is same as Core 2 Duo with less cache. Remember, Intel purposely names CPU confusingly to trick consumers into buying more expensive overpriced chips they don't need. The cpu should fit because I think both are LGA 775 but you never know. You would be doing yourself and your electric bill a huge favour. In fact even a new Celeron 420-450 or dual core Celeron E1200-E1600 will outperform the Pentium D because those are based on the Core architecture (same as Core 2 Duo). Don't worry, these days Celeron are not as crappy as before, a Celeron today is the same as Core 2 Duo except it lacks the huge caches and some other features you may never use like Virtualization, other than that it is the same engine under the hood of a Core 2 Duo.
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tnx for the info leet....appreciated

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wasnt the topic was "Defencewall Hips and Sandboxie, together?" HEHE , most reply are out off topic :D

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General rule(made up by me): standalone packages tend to do better than 'All-In-One solutions'. ESET is quite new to the firewall thing whilst COMODO has been a respectable name for some time. I just like the way COMODO works better, it's interface is more friendly for me to use, in the beginning you have some nagging but it'll eventually get in a 'steady state' where it'll only ask you for new programs...

It has some more advanced features than ESET does but I don't use most of them.

i try comodo before and there was a lot of nags. what settings do yuo use when setting it up?

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Just live with the nags at first, for the first few days(could very well be a week) it'll cry about about anything but after that you're pretty much ensured of the safest firewall setup possible.

I do disable the HIPS module(Defense+) of COMODO since I think it's not needed, I trust the programs I run on my PC or I don't run them at all :)

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Yea sometimes naggin is important. :P . It tells you that your PC is safe and the firewall is workin. ;) .

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1)i m not mad at u.y would u say that.which part of the post suggest that????

2 things - Tone & the fan part which I'll address below.

2)Dude read post #12,i accepted there, that not using sandboxie was a mistake.So i dont

need to straighten up anything..lol..or do I??

i mearly stated that i googled and realized Norton was the Top Notch.I was not defending myself...but comparing two different products...

lol no I didn't mean straighten up the Boxie part. I meant straighten up the AV part. You said that you don't care what ESET fans say, meaning that I was trying to persuade you back into using ESET again...uh no. I said I don't care what AV you use. That's the part that needed straightening up ;)

3)If ur not a ESET fan,gud for u...lol...i regret the pain and suffering i caused by calling u a ESET fan.. :D ...fantastic that u do thing urself...lol...

Pain and suffering? Nah I just don't like being labeled or categorized. I try all kinds of different things. I know for a fact that there are better AV's than ESET. But it's still my decision to continue to use it. To each his own.

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Somehow first time, I don't know how, but I agree with Rock Lee on the last two lines. :bag:

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