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[Reserved] McAfee (McAfee) unlimited stacking time use anti-virus software


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McAfee official Chinese translation of "McAfee." The company is headquartered in Santa Clara, California, is committed to creating the best computer security solutions that prevent network intrusion and protect computer systems from the next generation of blended attacks and threats. McAfee is the world's largest dedicated security technology company. Provided proactive and proven solutions and services that provides secure systems and networks around the world, meanwhile, can help home users and businesses of all sizes protect against malware and emerging online threats . (Editor: Baidu Encyclopedia)


Here are two methods unlimited stacking soft kill time of activation.


method one

Activate Address:https://home.mcafee.com/partnerpages/redeemsubscription.aspx?affid=714&sfcontext=1&cid=166942

https://home.mcafee.com/partnerp ... xt = 1 & cid = 166942


Lenovo serial format: YB05363902



XXXXX modify it

YB05363902, YB05363903, YB05363904, YB05363905


Method two

link address:https://home.mcafee.com/root/LandingPage.aspx?affid=1208&cid=154623&culture=EN-US&lpname=mls_1yr_adt

https://home.mcafee.com/root/Lan ...; lpname = mls_1yr_adt


Select to go to the official 30-day trial can then be washed in a year using the link above, you can stack up to 3 times a day.

The first point and then try the above link can be superimposed on any version of the above, there are already installed version of their McAfee account the above premise


Taobao that someone opened several shops selling this, very lucrative, I share out

The second method requires a virtual credit card, sell on Taobao 50 yuan three years should be directly Taobao to buy virtual credit card, or where to get so many cards


The following article may be useful!

Registration Wirex account, apply for a virtual channel card

yandex.ru from Russia Virtual Credit Card Application Guide

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super great

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Zoran Kovačević

Hello! I register this product for 3 years.Can i register for another 3 years?I try but i cant register.

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5 hours ago, Zoran KovaÄević said:

Hello! I register this product for 3 years.Can i register for another 3 years?I try but i cant register.

I have got it for 6 Months. Installed in my all family members devices and relatives. Me using NortonB) on my personal 

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4 minutes ago, Zoran KovaÄević said:

Mcafee better scan then Eset smart security.Found more viruses.

you must mean More false positive right? :chug:

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