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Internet Download Manager 6.28 Build 9


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Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use. Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance.

Thanks to vissha and ARMOUR for the update.


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@jalaffa: I thought my post was second after page load slowed. However, when refreshed, it was first. Gr8. Me and ARMOUR have most parallel posts from last week. Not sure why?

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:unsure: 2 new builds in 4 days. I'm just glad to be using trial reset :P

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Internet Download Manager 6.28 Build 9 [Auto-Cracked]... ;-)


-Auto-cracked with @Ali.Dbg patch v15.5...


-Can update previous versions...
-Close previous versions if they are running...

-Clean Fake Serial before install...

-To Silent Install use /silent or /verysilent switch...

-Optional Personal Adjusts:

Site: http://pastebin.com
Sharecode[?]: /rQaFwQWa
-NEW: Now you cad add your own settigs by putting the file Settings.reg in the same folder than installer...
Thanks: To @Ali.Dbg for the patch & @ronaldinho424 for help me with AutoIT Silent part... :D



Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com
Sharecode[?]: /files/IGA6BPU7/1DM.v6.28.b9.Setvp.rar_links


Cheers... ;-)


NOTE: Images displayed can be outdated...







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IDM 6.28 Build 9 Retail+Patched IDMan (november_ra1n)



1. Site: txt.do
Sharecode[?]: /drvh6


2. Site: https://goo.gl
Sharecode[?]: /1nfkoM
3. Site: https://drive.google.com
Sharecode[?]: /open?id=0BxEmegT9Tb9SVjFhRDFHemxzZ0k



Site: https://t.co
Sharecode[?]: /9i4UzT54de

VirusTotal (0/60):

Site: http://tinyurl.com
Sharecode[?]: /m6k4xbx


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Internet Download Manager Online Installer 1.3.4


# Unattended and Orginal Setup.Silent Installation.
# Patch By The Hidden 2000. ( Update V4. ) NEW 

# Patch By Team Reis. ( Update 11. )  

# Find the new version.


Site: https://my.pcloud.com
Sharecode[?]: /publink/show?code=XZUAgNZKh7SLsXr75ynJeKBBgfVYzpOqbMX


Internet Download Manager 6.28 Build 9

Unattended and Orginal Setup.

# Integrated Cracked.( By The Hidden 2000 Update v4 NEW

# Added Windows 10 Themes

# Added PureFlat 2016 Themes. ( Default )

Disabled license agreement. 
Disabled update check button.

# Disabled startup tip.

Added Desktop Shortcut.


Silent Install
Site: https://my.pcloud.com
Sharecode[?]: /publink/show?code=XZlAgNZHmullT6qqFuajJw9jrhbW5cstrty



Site: https://my.pcloud.com
Sharecode[?]: /publink/show?code=XZtAgNZl7maCwo5iHVgAyVzQNIQpBpp3ftX

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Reis patch v11 

Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com
Sharecode[?]: /files/CNNFRDIG/


Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/6672020/Internet_Download_Manager_6.27_Build_5._IDM_v6.x.x_Update_11__atch-REiS_Retail.7z.html


pass: ru-board

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AR Engineer

Internet Download Manager (IDM) v6.28 Build 9 Retail Crack

Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/6971250/Internet.Download.Manager._IDM_.v6.28.Build.9.Retail.Crack.7z.html


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7 hours ago, teodz1984 said:



That's an old one.

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Just get the Reis patch v11

2 links there


1 for the crack only 

the other is for the app and the crack .. So you probably know hat to do



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Internet Download Manager v6.28 Build 9 Final + Crack (IDMan.exe) _8.08MB

Site: http://www.datafilehost.com
Sharecode[?]: /d/d1639832
Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/6971631/Internet_Download_Manager_v6.28_Build_9_Final.rar.html

Internet Download Manager v6.28 Build 9 Final + Patch _8.28MB

Site: http://www.datafilehost.com
Sharecode[?]: /d/84fcfed8
Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/6971572/Internet_Download_Manager_v6.28_Build_9_Final.rar.html


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4 hours ago, T3rM1nat0Rr3 said:


That's an old one.

But it still rocks! ;)

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14 hours ago, BioHazard said:

:unsure: 2 new builds in 4 days. I'm just glad to be using trial reset :P

because of that stupid Firefox

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3 hours ago, truemate said:

because of that stupid Firefox

Why (the insistence of using) Firefox?  

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1 hour ago, adi said:

Why (the insistence of using) Firefox?  


:secret: Don't care about his comments about Firefox... ;)

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24 minutes ago, WALLONN7 said:

:secret: Don't care about his comments about Firefox... ;)

[Pardon me: Me thinks you care]

As we care, but

if we strive to make a list of

flaw-less things,

our page will remain

blank --

Forever!   ;)

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9 hours ago, T3rM1nat0Rr3 said:


That's an old one.


So where's the new patch ? Can you share the link ?

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8 hours ago, adi said:

[Pardon me: Me thinks you care]

As we care, but

if we strive to make a list of

flaw-less things,

our page will remain

blank --

Forever!   ;)

I had more trouble out of Chrome with IDM  than i ever had out of Firefox At lest i can still use Firefox 52 ESR and i dont  have no trouble what so ever .If you never want no trouble from updates from browsers were does that leave you using IE lol ?  No one is forcing you too update IDM  you could just stayed on it tell the next time they updated the extension for chrome, in fact once i went a few years without updating  IDM at all, just i updated the xpi for Firefox  lol.  Asking someone why do they insist on using Firefox is like asking someone why do they insist on using  IDM  instead of Jdownloader or something else . It called freedom to use what you want.

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1 hour ago, steven36 said:

...  Asking someone why do they insist on using Firefox is like asking someone why do they insist on using  IDM  instead of Jdownloader or something else ...

Depends upon the motivation behind the question.  A thoughtful reply may very well educate the ask-er the unique benefits and features of Firefox (rather than Chrome) or IDM (rather than Jdownloader).


Having learned much about software programs by asking such questions, why'll i stop now?  ;)


This also is part of the so-called freedom!  :mellow:

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The integration with the foxes (Nightly and the Beta) has improved perceptibly with this IDM release — surprising so, despite the fact that the add-on has not been updated on this build. IDM works fine though, with every other Firefox Edition — but, they're too tame for my personal taste.


Tonec has been brainstorming ways to overcome the awesome, new E10 (Multi-Process) — they've reached the very same stumbling block as with Chrome (in 2016.) IDM works fine when E10 is disabled or even enabled at the basic level — however, I'm in no mood to relinquish the joy of running the Nightlies and Beta on pure and exotic E10.



Somebody seems to have failed to tame his wild fox, despite the passage of a full 3-month interim. tx38TOr.gif

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works stable both on chrome and nightly. u cud love them both or we getting into ronaldo vs messi debate? :P 

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