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Advanced Renamer 3.77


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Advanced Renamer is a free batch rename utility with multiple methods for renaming multiple files and folders at once. By configuring renaming methods the names can be manipulated in various ways. The 14 different methods enables you to change the names, attributes, and timestamps of files in one go. The files can also be copied or moved to new locations based on information in the files. With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file names by adding, removing, replacing, changing case, or giving the file a brand new name based on known information about the file. Advanced Renamer allows the use of regular expressions and wildcards. Before performing the operations on the files you can verify that the output will be correct and if you perform the rename and regret it, you can undo the complete batch. With Advanced Renamer you can change the names of your favourite music files to more suitable names using the built-in ID3 tags. This mass file renamer is a great utility for organising digital pictures for both professionals and beginners with EXIF support.

Thanks to SalaR for the update.


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Just to confirm - this app is free ?


The app says REGISTER NOW, but the site says  



You can download and use Advanced Renamer for FREE for any personal use. If you use the program frequently I hope you will donate to support the project.




Pablo's PAF is also not registered and I dont see any medicine

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@mymiabear For personal use, yes it's free.. It's also mentioned in the license agreement during installation.

Personal use
You may use this software for personal use free of charge. Donation is
encouraged but not required.

How the dev would know it was used for free commercially though is anyone's guess :D

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It has a usage counter... 

If you use it often, it will nag you to donate (Seems the DEVELOPER is getting a big head)

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If he were getting a big head he would turn it into trial version/shareware it's still Donationware and free. You can seek out a alternative if  you dont like nags and dont have the money to do donate that's ether free like Filebot  or  Find a shareware  one with a working fix.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Downloaded the portable version from the Officeial Site;



Used the crack from above and works OK on my side

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