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Hilarious notices left by people complaining about their neighbours


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Some begin politely: 'Hi Neighbor! We are so happy you've made a new friend'. Others, less so.

But all the following messages have one thing in common: a plea from weary residents asking their neighbours to stop having such noisy sex.

While many of the letter-writers don't object to the mattress mambo in principle, it is the deafening volume - and occasional creaky bed springs - that have pushed them to breaking point...


High volume, this neighbour can deal with... but not when it's 'awkwardly' high

High volume, this neighbour can deal with... but not when it's 'awkwardly' high

These savvy sexperts can spot a fake when they hear one

These savvy sexperts can spot a fake when they hear one

Of course, there's nothing seedy about a CD recording, is there?

Of course, there's nothing seedy about a CD recording, is there?

If grammar's not your strong point, simply ram the message home in capitals, in red ink

If grammar's not your strong point, simply ram the message home in capitals - in red ink

'Subtle dynamics', 'communication skills', 'constant humping' - bring on the counsellor

'Subtle dynamics', 'communication skills', 'constant humping' - bring on the counsellor

The first, and only, missive in this set of messages to mention zombies invading an apartment packing heavy artillery

The first, and only, missive in this set of messages to mention zombies invading an apartment packing heavy artillery

Because it's time to put the 'sh' in shagging...

Because it's time to put the 'sh' in shagging...

The life and times of the Sweet Lass in number 65 - with all its (ahem) ups and downs

The life and times of the Sweet Lass in number 65 - with all its (ahem) ups and downs

Spider-Man, Stomp!, a pony and pogo stick: Behold some very imaginative neighbours

Spider-Man, Stomp!, a pony and pogo stick: Behold some very imaginative neighbours

Ah, the old 'can I join in' routine. Well if at first you don't succeed, menage a trois, trois again...

Ah, the old 'can I join in' routine. Well if at first you don't succeed, menage a trois, trois again...

Gonna be some sweet sounds coming down on the night shift

Gonna be some sweet sounds coming down on the night shift

Sensible condom advice here. And no doubt this official-looking letter was rubber-stamped

Sensible condom advice here. And no doubt this official-looking letter was rubber-stamped

Three floors-worth of complaint on this notice... which takes it to a whole new level

Three floors-worth of complaint on this notice... which takes it to a whole new level

Tally-ho! Someone's keeping count - and wondering whether a hooker's involved

Tally-ho! Someone's keeping count - and wondering whether a hooker's involved

At new year, one neighbour looks like he wants these old acquaintances to be forgot

At new year, one neighbour looks like he wants these old acquaintances to be forgot

That's right, shut the windows next time, 'cos you're a real pane...

That's right, shut the windows next time, 'cos you're a real pane...

One man's groan is another man's sexual vocals 

One man's groan is another man's sexual vocals

This note could leave you lost for words

This note could leave you lost for words

Home alone? Come on J, spill the beans...

Home alone? Come on J, spill the beans...



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