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British Invasion stars Freddie and the Dreamers was a group known for their zany dance routines. They  carefully rehearsed their seemingly spontaneous dance routines and even released a dance song called Do The Freddie that reached Number 18 in the US in 1965; the album included a diagram by dance instructor Arthur Murray depicting their dance steps.


They appeared on US and UK television shows performing the song and dance. Freddie and the Dreamers was fronted by a diminutive former milkman named Freddie Garrity who flailed his arms and legs about while performing. The band also appeared in a number of British films and were considered for a weekly television show with actor Terry-Thomas.


They convinced many critics that they were not simply a novelty dance act when they topped the US charts in 1965 with I'm Telling You Now... doing the Freddie!






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I remember the first time I ever saw anyone Do The Freddie right after the song was released.  Some friends and I were down at the basketball court at the elementary school playing ball when someone turned on a transistor radio and when Do The Freddie came on Dick Eller broke out in the dance.  First time I ever saw it and it was stupid enough that we stopped playing and started laughing.  Dick was several years older than us and in college, so we didn't laugh too hard, didn't want to become another basketball on the court, if you get my meaning.

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