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Need help with ESET NOD32 Antivirus 2.79


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Hi, guys! How you doing? I need help with ESET NOD32 Antivirus 2.79. The fix finished working and I have to install licences manually. I'd like to know if there's some soft that could do that automatically or if I have to reinstall antivirus + fix.

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Download the latest version of Nod32 from the front page,install,use the latest box-mara fix or MiNodlgin or Nodlogin.All on the front page.

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I don't like the last version 'cause it gives me thousands of false positives and my computer does slow down

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Talkin about only slowin down the PC, atleast use the V 3.XX.

As karachidude said use box mara- fix to stop the trial countdown or insert licenses by MiNodlgin or Nodlogin.

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Pff, you got proof about all those false positives? :\

It "almost" never gives me a false positives...And I use a lot of fixes etc etc.. :)

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They use the same signature database so they'll provide you with the same false positives(except for heuristics obviously), but if you really want to use that old version I believe NodLogin or NodEnabler works on it ;)

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I actually have a fix for 2 I think...just checked and I do.. uhmm one thing you have to remember about the version two.. IF it is a reset or registry based entry is that you must add it to the exclusions list or ESET with keep removing it from your system.. just that simple..I am not going to tell you to upgrade to the latest version..BUT I would say it is advisable...One of the main thing that slows down your system with version 3 and 4, is when advanced heuristics is used in active file monitoring..this usually slows down EVERYTHING, and can cause quite a few temper tantrums throughout the day..you my even thing your system is infected because it begins to mimic the effect of having open running malicious files on your system. I would advise it as well..but...to address the issue you asked for...I suggest the above if you have some other fix .. not called NOD32.Fix.v.2.2.exe.. then it may be something different.. and you don't have to enter license with this one..

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It's advisable indeed, since new methods of malware prevention, detection, and removal are always introduced in new versions.

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Hi, guys! How you doing? I need help with ESET NOD32 Antivirus 2.79. The fix finished working and I have to install licences manually. I'd like to know if there's some soft that could do that automatically or if I have to reinstall antivirus + fix.


Just try to uninstall the fix and clean the registry with any registry cleaners and apply the fix again..No need to remove the AV..



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Hmmmm...I thought the older version was Nod32 v2.70.39,

there were 2 fix then, the nsane fix 2.2 and the B-effect fix 2.3.2

The instruction for the fix was:

whill work as long as you do it my way

1. install the Nod32 2.70.39 ,dont reboot or restart computer .

2. install Nod32 fix 2.2 , dont reboot.

3. than go to c-program file-eset , than click on the "nod32fix" when it asks click ok ,

than reboot or restart computer and you are all set.

After that, exclude the fix from being scanned.

Nodlogin and NodEnabler used to work will the 2.7 version.

But don't know if the newer version of Nodlogin and NodEnabler will work with it now.

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But don't know if the newer version of Nodlogin and NodEnabler will work with it now.

Yes! Tested them both. I do still use Nod32 2.7.39..No problem at all..Tried minodlogin but have some issues..This 2 utility is compatible with version 2. :)

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Regarding the NsaneFix 2.2 and B-effect. Tried B-effect and I have some issues in AMON and it keep red after the patch.I think there are 2 version of it.The prefered one B-effect v2.2.3 and v2.3.2. I compared the file size and they differ in 1 kb..

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O..boy...now we are going back to history.LOL

I thought we are going forward......anyway one question...

Does Nod32 v2.70.39 works in Windows 7?

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v2 supports Vista: Link

I guess it would also work on 7, since it's more or less the same as Vista, but don't count on my word for it.

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I use Windows XP x32. Not more Vista. And I don't like Seven at all.

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  • 1 year later...

Does Nod32 v2.70.39 works in Windows 7?

Needless to say (you guys are quite aware . . . . . by now,) I was running NOD32 2.70.39 on Windows Se7en until last month. ATM, I don;t have any anti-virus on my system. :)

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He's come a long way to Windows Se7en Ultimate . . . . . . today. BTW, he's also one of the very few here, to have actually tried the Enterprise Edition for a decently long time. ;)

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Hi, guys! How you doing? I need help with ESET NOD32 Antivirus 2.79. The fix finished working and I have to install licences manually. I'd like to know if there's some soft that could do that automatically or if I have to reinstall antivirus + fix.

ya v2.7 nod32 is ancient

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