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Breaking down a notably sophisticated tech support scam M.O.


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The cornerstone of tech support scams is the deception that there is something wrong with your PC.  To advance this sham, tech support scams have long abused browsers’ full screen function. Coupled with dialogue loops, the pop-up messages that just won’t go away, and the spoofing of brands like Microsoft, tech support scam websites can be convincing.


The end-goal, of course, is to get you to call a technical support hotline, which then charges you for services you don’t need.


Recently we came across a new tech support scam website that stands out in the way it creatively uses the full screen function and dialogue boxes.


The scam is one of many websites we have discovered and blocked over the years. To achieve its end, the website uses a malicious script belonging to the Techbrolo family of support scam malware. Techbrolo is known for introducing the dialogue loops and audio message, which have now become staple in tech support scam sites.

Anatomy of a support scam website

The scam starts like any other. You are redirected to the website by nefarious ads. When the page loads, you get a pop-up message that says your computer has been locked because of virus infection. It asks you to immediately call a technical support number.


Please read the rest of the informative article here...


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