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Nsane IRC

Rock Lee

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As you can see from the footnote below the title, this is just a thought. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you ever thought of an Nsane IRC channel. I know what you're gonna say: "We spend enough time here" - true enough. That doesn't mean that we can't have an IRC channel also. I'm at a few forums that have both & both the forums and IRC flourish (when there isn't any kick wars going on :lol:).

I'm pretty sure we have some IRC heads on the board (including myself) so idling wouldn't be a problem...I think.

I don't really mind if this idea goes no where or if it does go into action, it was just something I thought about. I wanted to get you guys thinking too. New features to come along with the upgrade to IPB 3.1 would be cool ;)

Tell me whatcha think

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Do you mean chat box? If so then yes it would be really worth of try. I'm in for support. It has many goods and bads. Don't mind but Bad is that nsane is a big community and somehow I feel a single shout box or link that for a whole website is a problem as people would post less on the threads and post more on the box. And nsane would have to remove a small amount for it. ANW I'm in for supportin it. :yes:

Good to see somethin new.

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IMO.. IRC.. well I don't know anyone who actually uses it, I have the ability to access IRC with MirandaIM but I also have the ability to run a PHP Based Chat window..or I did .. I think I disabled it..but anyway.. I have seen this idea thrown around quite a bit, usually the ide gets thrown out because it requires quite a few man hours to get setup right and maintain. I had the same idea when was brainstorming for my personal site, and what I wound up doing was setting up a Chatango Chat .. You can use like the one on the site .. or you can customize one and embed it anywhere..I threw mine up full page...It allows messages to be remove by admin..and you can block people as well..no punking involved... I will come back with a small screen shot..to give you an idea.. You also can use a small message notifier that sits in your system tray and lets you know when someone has sent you a message...about the only thing required is a Chatango account...

The forum really to me offers a lot of features for members to communicate already...really, technically there are more alternatives to having a chatroom...of sorts..better than IRC.. though for some it may be a good way to get people who use IRC to come to the nsane.down site.. BUT.. I would say no because of the work that will be involved.. not to mention several safety concerns surrounding IRC..

You could always set one up yourself ( not representing the site directly of course ) and throw it up on the boards for everyone to see and go from there....The last site I was at that tried the same thing.. this guy in college had the same idea set it up ran it for about two weeks.. then dropped it like a hot rock.... and BTW, I am NOT trying to shoot you down on the idea either..

EDIT: Spring cleaning .. remove attachment...

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Do you mean chat box? If so then yes it would be really worth of try. I'm in for support. It has many goods and bads. Don't mind but Bad is that nsane is a big community and somehow I feel a single shout box or link that for a whole website is a problem as people would post less on the threads and post more on the box. And nsane would have to remove a small amount for it. ANW I'm in for supportin it. :yes:

Good to see somethin new.

Shout box - kinda the same thing. An IRC channel give you the capability to do other things like games & stuff but you have the general idea. I guess a shoutbox could be an alternative.

IMO.. IRC.. well I don't know anyone who actually uses it, I have the ability to access IRC with MirandaIM but I also have the ability to run a PHP Based Chat window..or I did .. I think I disabled it..but anyway.. I have seen this idea thrown around quite a bit, usually the ide gets thrown out because it requires quite a few man hours to get setup right and maintain. I had the same idea when was brainstorming for my personal site, and what I wound up doing was setting up a Chatango Chat .. You can use like the one on the site .. or you can customize one and embed it anywhere..I threw mine up full page...It allows messages to be remove by admin..and you can block people as well..no punking involved... I will come back with a small screen shot..to give you an idea.. You also can use a small message notifier that sits in your system tray and lets you know when someone has sent you a message...about the only thing required is a Chatango account...

You basically said the same thing DKT said right here. Look up :P

The forum really to me offers a lot of features for members to communicate already...really, technically there are more alternatives to having a chatroom...of sorts..better than IRC.. though for some it may be a good way to get people who use IRC to come to the nsane.down site.. BUT.. I would say no because of the work that will be involved.. not to mention several safety concerns surrounding IRC..

I'm aware of everything you said. But you can't be afraid to jump in the water just because someone yelled shark. The only way we'll really find out if it works or not is if we try it. Which again I'll reiterate that I'm not trying to make happen. This thread was just to spark thoughts...

You could always set one up yourself ( not representing the site directly of course ) and throw it up on the boards for everyone to see and go from there....The last site I was at that tried the same thing.. this guy in college had the same idea set it up ran it for about two weeks.. then dropped it like a hot rock.... and BTW, I am NOT trying to shoot you down on the idea either..

Nah, because I don't represent Nsane, .down, or the .forums. It would be Rock Lee's channel, not ours. See what I'm getting at? ; Dunno which site the "last" site was but TPS does an excellent job with this. One person's misfortune can't be the solid fact that everybody will. I doubt that this site will just give up on idea like this, at least I won't. If there's a new idea that Lite or any of the staff feels should be supported then I'll do just that.

I see where you're coming from, but I do disagree.

I guess a shoutbox could be a trial run if that's what they decided to do...

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  • Administrator

I think this is a big subject and staffs may have a special meeting to discuss the topic. Lets see their verdict. ;)

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I think this is a big subject and staffs may have a special meeting to discuss the topic. Lets see their verdict. ;)

Uh oh. That's not what I wanted to happen. I just wanted you guys to think about it :unsure:

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Uhm, you guys (beside Rock Lee), have you ever used IRC a lot?

Through IRC you can get like, reallly really big.. a lot of people use it (so do I).

Another good thing would be.. if you could download (in the IRC channel) stuff from the frontpage.. I've seen some channel do that.

Maintaining an IRC channel is piece of strawberry-cake..

The staff could choose some people to maintain it.. IF they can't do it.

Also, they can give it a try for 1/2 month... If it sux.. drop it. If it rocks, expand it. =]

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People still use IRC? :think: I stopped using that back in 1997 or something so. :rofl: I remember back then mIRC client was the client of choice by many internet users. I always assumed IRC died together with things like ICQ back in the 90's. I guess the real question we have to ask ourselves is if an IRC channel would bring anything worth the while that we can't get from the website/forum already. My opinion is that it does not add any real value other than the real time ability to chat with each other which would have some advantages but it won't benefit the majority of forum subscribers who prefer to follow a threaded discussion. Plus there is the matter that hundreds of people trying to chat on a channel is tough to follow therefore the majority of us prefer to add the people we want to talk to on live messenger or yahoo etc. Just my 2 cents. :cheers:

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People still use IRC? :think: I stopped using that back in 1997 or something so. :rofl: I remember back then mIRC client was the client of choice by many internet users. I always assumed IRC died together with things like ICQ back in the 90's. I guess the real question we have to ask ourselves is if an IRC channel would bring anything worth the while that we can't get from the website/forum already. My opinion is that it does not add any real value other than the real time ability to chat with each other which would have some advantages but it won't benefit the majority of forum subscribers who prefer to follow a threaded discussion. Plus there is the matter that hundreds of people trying to chat on a channel is tough to follow therefore the majority of us prefer to add the people we want to talk to on live messenger or yahoo etc. Just my 2 cents. :cheers:

Yep, most people do use messengers these days or flash/scripted chat-rooms..what I meant by posting the simple screenshot...some with cam ability.. but we won't really get into that.. uhh hmm..

There is a reason why there has been a move away from IRC.. the big one was the WIDE Spread distribution of a little thing called Virtumonde... probably had it before if you have EVER been on-line...Don't know what it is plug it into your search engine see what you find out..

Plus people go ape-$#!^ when they get booted or something happens in conjunction with, especially when already being on the edge...Thats my only point..easily punked and quickly

Community and interaction really is a good thing for some its good.. I mean a lot better than a bunch of people walking around like they don't know each other..its on a positive note...

.. and no Rock Lee I don't know about the other site.. the reason the guy let go of it, was because he had several issues with keeping the room up, and nobody really ever did anything but pop in and say hello, not to mention with being the forum administrator, and college; he really didn't have the time nor the money to pay someone to maintain these things for him.. just to give a little more info about why it bit the dirt there...

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A chatbox, IRC channel and shoutbox have all been discussed but in the end Lite's argument was the only thing that really did matter: Any sort of communication other than posts will lead to less posts. This chatbox will result in support queries in the chatbox, questions about software in the chatbox and what not more in the chatbox. I myself was fond of this idea at first but I have to agree with Lite on this one ;) (Which is rare, very rare :D)

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A chatbox, IRC channel and shoutbox have all been discussed but in the end Lite's argument was the only thing that really did matter: Any sort of communication other than posts will lead to less posts.

you forgot to add real-time quarrels :D

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Actually, I was thinking about a Chatter like the one on the facebook.com or some chatting rooms, these ideas would be very nice to be suggested on the admins...

Anyway, tell the admins about this Idea, PM me and I'm with you :)



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Lets see. I also want this site to remain forum site. But it is something new(on this site). Once, another site where i post regularly, Admin had installed a trial chatbox but scrapped it for many reasons.

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A chatbox, IRC channel and shoutbox have all been discussed but in the end Lite's argument was the only thing that really did matter: Any sort of communication other than posts will lead to less posts. This chatbox will result in support queries in the chatbox, questions about software in the chatbox and what not more in the chatbox. I myself was fond of this idea at first but I have to agree with Lite on this one ;) (Which is rare, very rare :D )

He does have a point but think about this for a second. How many times lately have we had a new member state that that he/she came to the site frequently but are just now signing up? I don't remember the exact number but there are a few. Think of all of the guests (around 70) that are here each hour. Most of them do not sign up. They just come here, read a few posts, download what they need & be on their way. What if one of those users decided one day: hey, I have a problem. Maybe these guys can help. True, but after the help is received we don't see them until another problem arises, which could be a long while from the last time they did have a problem.

You could add a rule that states that software issues are not to be discussed in the box/channel. The channel/box is for friendly chat only. You can say that's what the forums are for but I do have something I want you to think about:

Look at how lively the tavern has gotten. Threads like the "Last one to post here wins a prize" thread have turned into one of the "chat" threads. Even my "Letter Association: Y" thread had a few chats here and there. What I'm getting at is, Lite had to turn the post count off in this area of the board because of how many times people posted.* The channel/box could resolve this.

At the other site that has both a forum & IRC I see a lot of new members that just wanna have a cool chat with us. They don't know the community yet & since we're some of the nicest ones they'll ever meet, they wanna join in on the fun. The same thing can happen here. I kinda sorta did the same thing when I came. I was a member, then I left for about a week or two. When I got back, Marik & I started to have a chat. Then you came into the picture & we messed around for a while. See what I'm getting at? The channel/box could be the difference between a long term user & a short time user. Getting to know us shouldn't be limited to what we do or say in the forums. Who we are besides the software geniuses/pirates is what keeps me here ;)

*I think that is why he did that. I'm not 100% sure but that is my best guess.

Sounds like I'm making a suggestion right? Nope, just twisting your brain to see where I'm coming from :)

you forgot to add real-time quarrels :D

I knew someone would say this :P ; Make it this policy: If you don't start anything there won't be anything. Of course everyone must follow this rule & lets face it, some of us won't. Have a chat mod moderate the channel/box & then when something gets heated, remove both of their voices for a certain amount of time. Clears that up :D

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  • Administrator

An IRC channel, chatbox or whatever you would like to call it will not be considered at the current time.

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