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Web Site Security and Logins


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In the wake of the recent Yahoo Cookies attack and the discussion at the RSA Conference, Stehphen Northcutt of SANS, made the following comment which I wanted to share since it is good security advice.


When you are logging on to a web site and they say you can authenticate with your FaceBook or Yahoo, or Google or whatever account, don't do it. Have a unique login for every account and never link one to another. That will not solve everything, but it will reduce your risk. And I realize that people that do not work in security would not like to delete cookies, but as a security professional, try to default to no cookies on your main browser and the one you use to set airline reservations etc, that needs cookies, clean them out on a regular basis. Yes, it is a hassle because you have to log in again and yes, it reduces your attack surface area.



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