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WinX DVD Ripper Platinum


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WinX DVD Ripper Platinum

WinX DVD Ripper PlatinumDiscount

If you think that ripping commercial DVDs is only good for illegal activities, you’ve never had a toddler in your house. It’s true – that movie that you dropped good cash on can end up cracked, smeared with peanut butter, trapped in an air vent, or scribbled with marker. But if you backed it up with WinX DVD Ripper Platinum, you’d have no worries!

WinX DVD Ripper Platinum lets you back up DVDs to digital files on your hard drive, offering protecting and long-term storage. With the ability to rip DVDs to MP4, WMV, AVI, FLV, MPEG and more, you also get the benefit of enjoying your movies on multiple mobile and desktop platforms. What kinds of platforms? How about all Windows media players, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple TV, Android, HTC, Samsung, XOOM, Galaxy Tab, PSP, and more?

Thanks to hyperthreading and an advanced encoding engine, WinX DVD Ripper Platinum is the ultimate solution for ripping protected and non-protected DVDs quickly, sometimes within five minutes! Even the latest and greatest movies, hot off the presses, can be successfully backed up by WinX DVD Ripper Platinum. Additional features include the ability to extract audio to MP3, take screen grabs, and tweak audio and video output settings.

Today's promotion includes the following:
WinX DVD Ripper Platinum - Paid upgrades and 7 days registration timeframe ($0)






Registration Information
Make sure to input the registration info exactly as it is shown below
You must install/register the software within 7 days, and cannot do so afterwards. Upgrades to future versions of the software will require additional payment. Installing a new version may overwrite the existing version and invalidate your license key.http://textuploader.com/d17ij
Use this registration information to unlock the software after installation.




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