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How to remove ransomware the right way: A step-by-step guide


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Over the course of 2016, ransomware quickly became the Number 1 threat to home and business users alike. In 2017, already we are seeing more sophisticated variants using slick presentation and payment portals akin to modern start-ups, but the result is always the same: the victims find themselves unable to access files and a ransom note with a countdown to pay.


Time to panic? Don’t!

Because this is usually immediately following the ransomware attack when most home users and even large enterprises take the wrong steps and make it much harder for us to help you get your files back. For this reason, we’ve created this step-by-step article to guide you through the process of what to do when you’ve been infected by ransomware.


So what exactly is ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malicious software that locks up your files and demands a ransom to access them. This form of malware is now the most lucrative form of cyber crime as victims feel threatened to pay, even if there are no guarantees of getting the data back.


Should I pay the ransom?

Before we move on, here is one piece of advice: Don’t pay the ransom. Paying the criminals only encourages further attacks.

We understand that, particularly for larger enterprises, paying up seems like the best option to recover files and avoid the potential embarrassment of admitting a security breach or inadequate IT security measures. Yet, in many cases, even after paying large sums of money users still don’t receive their files.


We’re here to help. No strings attached.

Emsisoft are proud associate partners of No More Ransom, an initiative by the National High Tech Crime Unit of the Netherlands’ police, Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre and two additional cyber security companies. Our shared goal is to help victims of ransomware retrieve their encrypted data without having to pay.


Emsisoft fight’s ransomware on the front-line daily, which means we are best positioned to offer you free, easy to follow advice with no strings attached. So let’s begin.




Ref:  < http://blog.emsisoft.com/2017/02/16/how-to-remove-ransomware-the-right-way-a-step-by-step-guide/ >


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what i have found in these ransomware encrypted software

just reinstall youre pc.

do a clean install and then use or a backup of youre files or you could use


"active file recovery" and do a deep scan (full scan) and recover what you will to be recovered.


i have seen this daily ,

this is the only way to recover all what is is left over to recover.



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