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First thing I did was to install PreviewConfig; a thumbnail handler that's non-existent in windows 7. This made it possible, at least some of the time, to see epub thumbnails within Windows Explorer, and a larger scale view in the preview pane in the form of a player - upon selecting "Media files (audio/video)" in PreviewConfig.


This is one of many sources for PreviewConfig: http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enhancements/PreviewConfig.shtml

*I placed it in the System32 folder; where I thought Microsoft would've placed it had they included it in Win 7, but it may not matter.


2. I Installed GhostScript; both x86 and x64:https://ghostscript.com/download/gsdnld.html

*NOTE: I only found these to be necessary after removing them along with the MysticThumbs application that necessitated their inclusion. I don't know why or how  they're important, but the end result wouldn't have been achieved without them.


*MysticThumbs is good software, but the available workarounds for full functionality failed to disable the butt-crack looking logo/watermark that appears on the thumbnails upon installation.


3. I then installed CBXshell (since others had results with it) along with the reg keys; neither of which worked for me; independently of the other things I list here. *The reg keys turned out to be a must for me, as they were nonexistent in my system, thumbnails didn't appear in the preview pane without CBXshell.

*NOTE: check only CBX and CBR boxes.

CBXshell: http://free-sk.t-com.hr/T800soft/software/cbxShell.htm

* For those of you reading this who don't know how to implement the registry keys...Copy and past everything within the lines into notepad and name it whatever you like; giving it a reg extension. e.g. epub.reg

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00






*I'm uncertain as to whether or not the installation of the following, contributed towards the desired outcome; however, I believe it to be responsible for now being able to see thumbnails of the book covers embedded in pdf files.

Sagethumbs: http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enhancements/SageThumbs.shtml

*The epub extension doesn't appear in their list, but a slot is provided for the inclusion of what's not listed. I entered epub there and hit enter.

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