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Spread the Word - Competition [Extended]


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<img src='/images/logos/News.png' class='logo' alt='news' />We have decided to extend to Spread the Word Competition for an additional few days to allow more of you to get your entries in.

For full details of the competition please see this topic.

New Closing Date: 22nd August 2009 at 21:00 GMT

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I really suck at photoshop but I tried this out for fun. :D

I call it: "pretty nsane banner".


My layering skills are like zero and I did not know how to make some of the colours more vivid. Hopefully the winners of the competition will teach me how to master layers ;).

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...My layering skills are like zero and I did not know how to make some of the colours more vivid. Hopefully the winners of the competition will teach me how to master layers ;).

What version of Ps are you using?

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I assume he's either using PS3 or the latest

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Well I have the CS4 Master Collection.. and just in Blending option for each layer alone.. there are quite a few options, which of course can be strongly effected by your main layer..Then you have options for shadows and effects per layer...and each one of those can use a different form of blending..Don't be afraid .. there is always Ctrl + Z, and Ctrl + Alt + Z...LOL... OH yeah and it can be importnt even when using brushes to put different ones on different layers for different effects, you can also go to Layers.. in the menu and re-arange position.. or add layers before o after.. for desire effect..

LOL.. Now go play and show me what you learned.. :thumbsup:

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Yea Blending option is a great one.

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:doh: I knew I forgot something about this place. I've been too busy on other sites, I'll have my entries in soon...

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I really suck at photoshop but I tried this out for fun. :D

I call it: "pretty nsane banner".


My layering skills are like zero and I did not know how to make some of the colours more vivid. Hopefully the winners of the competition will teach me how to master layers ;).

I was able to do this(didn't do much to it except for some Saturation and Contrast):


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We have to go by Lite's clock..wherever he is in the world right now here...14:55:17... 5 and some odd hours...LOL

In my guess it will probably be tomorrow before we actually find out, that way all the time zones can get it in ... AND even at that a decision has to be made..So this is just a deadline..

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9 PM GMT is the same everywhere :')

Here in Holland.. it's GMT+1..

So if Lite says 9 PM GMT it's 10 PM GMT+1 in Holland, and thats now :P

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Here's my entry. I rushed on the banner a bit. Sorry :mellow:

Anyway, here's the banner:


Here's the userbars:

Bar 1 (Splat) -


Bar 2 (No Splat) -


I still have the .PSD's for all of these. Any changes, recommendations, etc. I can change em.

Note - My entry is not for any prize. I did this simply to do it.

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Oh I didn't notice..I guess so then.. I can up my signature now..! Yeah I am -6

EDIT: Rock Lee DOZE BARS R SIK!!.. I want a PSD..

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There is actually just under an hour left before the competition closes.

The Netherlands is currently GMT +2 owing to daylight savings.... or whatever it is called!

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There is actually just under an hour left before the competition closes.

The Netherlands is currently GMT +2 owing to daylight savings.... or whatever it is called!

Wow, didn't notice it :')

Hmm.. Rock, you should add a glow to the banners.. Dunno if it's gonna look good.

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Hmm.. Rock, you should add a glow to the banners.. Dunno if it's gonna look good.

I added an inner glow to the banner in white. I was gonna use that shade of blue but then it would look too plain. I needed at least 3 colors for it.

You want me to make the glow stronger? I'll do it in a little while. Kinda busy atm :P

I was also about to add more splatter to the first bar, but it got too crowded. I don't want the bar to have too much going on you know what I mean.

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Hmm.. Rock, you should add a glow to the banners.. Dunno if it's gonna look good.

I added an inner glow to the banner in white. I was gonna use that shade of blue but then it would look too plain. I needed at least 3 colors for it.

You want me to make the glow stronger? I'll do it in a little while. Kinda busy atm :P

I was also about to add more splatter to the first bar, but it got too crowded. I don't want the bar to have too much going on you know what I mean.

If the splatter is a brush, you could try to lower the size of it some, or adjust the flow.. also you can use different transparency and blending effects, on each touch..i don't know which one would look best for the splatter though..one of those things you just have to play with..

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If the splatter is a brush, you could try to lower the size of it some, or adjust the flow.. also you can use different transparency and blending effects, on each touch..i don't know which one would look best for the splatter though..one of those things you just have to play with..

Did it, adjusted it, played with transparency, didn't do blending though. I didn't wanna add a gradient, bevel, stroke, etc. to it. I just wanted the true blue splat in the back.

If they do decide to use it then I'll make the changes suggested. If not I'll just use the bars for myself ;)

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If the splatter is a brush, you could try to lower the size of it some, or adjust the flow.. also you can use different transparency and blending effects, on each touch..i don't know which one would look best for the splatter though..one of those things you just have to play with..

Did it, adjusted it, played with transparency, didn't do blending though. I didn't wanna add a gradient, bevel, stroke, etc. to it. I just wanted the true blue splat in the back.

If they do decide to use it then I'll make the changes suggested. If not I'll just use the bars for myself ;)

I think they are good.. just like they are.. to be honest..sample of one of my banners in mah sig now..

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It's good atm :)

You also could use some color, but everybody got his own taste :')

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The competition just closed ;)

Thanks for all the entries. The winners will be announced in the next few days.

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