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Mass Hypnosis..


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Mass Hypnosis...

what it really is and how it affects everything about who you think you really are.

Lets start by understanding what mass hypnosis is.

Its not the same as stage hypnosis, where peolpe cluck like chickens nor is it some far fetched manchurian candidate type senario, where someone gets brainwashed and practically turned into a robotic zombie, however this may well be possible.

 These two well known images of hypnosis are pushed into the pop culture and either laughed at as entertainment or riddiculed as being ridiculous.

Also many times I have heard people in the field of hypnosis repeatedly claim that hypnosis is not dangerous and that you cant use it to make people do anything they wouldnt already want to do. Well i can tell you that that is a LIE.

I can also tell you that right now you are in a trance state.

It should suprise you to know that, but it more than likley will make you LOL, but let me explain further.

Even some of the worlds leading hypmotistis eg Richard bandler, the inventor of NLP, have suggested this idea.

First to understand what this permanant trance state is, you need to understand what a trance is.

A trance is something as simple as sitting and staring out the window, when your bored of listening to the teacher etc and your mind drifts off and you get that long distanse stare into nothingness.

That trance state happens naturally all the time to tople, and you wont be aware of just how many times during the day you actually fall into this state, but next time it happens you will remember this thread.

Now a hypmotist can put you into a similar day dream state as I mentioned, but what happens then is the hypmotist deepens the trance further and further by instructing you to sleep and go deeper and deeper to sleep etc. then once your in a deep trance state the hypnotist gives the subject instructions...atleast that's one method of hypnosis used in thearaphy sessions.

So how does mass hypnosis affect us?

We are not in a trance are we?   Yes we are.

From the first day of birth we are conditioned by a set of rules, religion etc, we deveop an ego/personality in response to this external stimuli.

Now the purpose of the ego is to help us live amongst other people in "society", to interact and work and play etc.

now what the personalty actaully is is a figment of each of our imaginations, something we brought into existance in response to external stimuli and peer pressures.

Much of who we think we are is based on our tastes in music, art political and religious ideologies etc.

For most people these days, the more things they can define themselves as different to everyone else, the better.

This ego explosion is promoted massivley by TV and the advertising of a thousand different lifestyles and a billion different branded products and gadgets.

the material society that infact has not made human beings any more fulfilled or happier, infact in the west where we have a mountain of consumerism, people have more mental illnesses than the third world, we also have an endless variety of them to describe ourselfs as different, by as another set of lifestlye options to choose from, anorexic or or bi polar, or ADHD, if you feel crazy the choice is yours to dip in and be any crazy you wanna be, we have every kind of crazy at rock bottom prices.


So what Im saying is the drive to be different and an "individual" is actually a drive into a deeper and deeper trance state, no wonder so many people wind up crazy.

TPTB have every interest in keeping us in this overblown ego state, because it is a trance state and in a trance state its very easy to manipulate the masses.

Especially when they dont realise that they are in a trance.

Now the reason this is important to understand is because its real.

I can prove this by looking at the recent economic crash, especially the housing crash.

People took on impossibly large mortgages, which if they were using their rational mind they would not have done, banks loaned impossibly large mortgages to waitresses etc when logically they also knew that this was a ridiculous idea.

However the millions of people who took part in this merry dance were not thinking logically, they were under mass hypnosis.

You see the human mind has to parts, logical thinking and emotional thinking.

We all would like to think we make important decisions on logic but infact most of our most important desicions are made on emotion AKA ego.

for example the housing crash, countless relationships that dont work, unsatisfying careers etc, etc, etc and supporting military invasions based on no evidence but an emotional response to 9/11.

Your being manipulated at every turn and you didnt even realise it.

But now you have a chance to WAKE UP FOR REAL.

Now we have the ego mania being promoted at full tilt by likley the C.I.A. where we have once rational people falling over themselves to post photographs and personal info all over FACEBOOK and similar sites, where we can even see with our rational minds the security and privacy implications but our emotional heads keeps lapping it up even when it makes no secret that there is facial recognition on every photograph etc, etc, etc.

There is an expression "did we sleepwalk into Big Brother", notice the word sleepwalk.

We need to go the other direction before it gets any worse and realise that we are all human beings and we all have more in common with each other than the imaginary things that seperate us.

If we as people can realise this fact we all will be better off and the small power eliter that has been using us as slaves and pitting us against each other as a divide and concoure technique, well that elite would dry up and dissapear once it no longer could suck the life blood out of the people of this world.

So do not believe you are your ego, your not, so next time you react to something with an emotional response, think rationally first.

Remember for good or for bad, it was emotion that got Obama elected, the emotion he played up to by deepening the hypnotic state with verbal hypnosis and other tricks.

America is to dominated by ego and emotion and lacks rational discussion and thought and this suits TPTB as it keeps everyone very easly controlled.



Benefits and Dangers of Mass Hypnosis

Covert Hypnosis, Mind Control    

Covert hypnosis techniques Using mass hypnosis for grand scale mind control is not magic.

In fact, various important events were influenced by mass hypnosis, and to a certain extent, several popular personalities have even used their charisma and special talents to induce a certain degree of mind control over their audience.

Marketing executives, politicians and even actors often employ mass hypnosis in their line of work.

Although the type of hypnosis that they use are fairly subtle, you can be sure that they have a powerful effect on the minds of people they are trying to influence.

The only reason why most people take such things for granted is that they are inundated by them.

Mass Hypnosis in the Media

Commercials, magazines, websites and anything else that involves the mass media employ a certain degree of mass hypnosis on their audience.

Much of this came from the work of Edward Bernays, one of the pioneers of mass advertizing as well as Sigmund Freud’s nephew.

Using some of his uncle’s work in analytical psychology, Bernays developed special marketing techniques that employed mass hypnosis in order to sell specific products.

Mass hypnosis on tv You may not be aware of it, but watching certain ads on TV or on the internet can place you into a state of trance.

Subliminal suggestions are then introduced into your psyche to prompt you to buy certain products and items.

You may think that people are completely capable of making wise choices in the things they buy, but the truth is that the feelings and choices of most consumers are controlled by large marketing firms on behalf of their clients.

The largest news corporations are often controlled by the same people who have interests in defense contracts such as Westinghouse (CBS) and General Electric (NBC). It really makes you suspicious.

It doesn’t end with the corporations though.

Different institutions and organizations, from large international bodies to local clubs and organizations, want to influence the opinions and thoughts of the average person, and they often employ the same mass hypnotic techniques used in commercials.

Consider, for example, how certain special interest groups spin their stories to make their side more sympathetic and their opponent’s side more insidious.

These organizations use the same techniques marketing firms use.

The only difference is that they promote ideas and positions as opposed to products.

As disturbing as this may seem to most people however, what you need to understand is that mass hypnosis is a crucial part of mass culture.

You can, however, overcome its effects by being aware of it, and taking steps to avoid it.

After all, if you know how a particular magic trick works, it won’t surprise you any more.

How Does Mass Hypnosis Work?

mass hypnosis affects the Amygdala Now, there are several theories behind mass hypnosis.

One popular explanation is that hypnosis has a powerful effect on the Amygdala section of the brain.

The Amygdala is responsible for processing powerful emotions, such as fear or anger.

In theory, the use of certain stimuli can overload the Amygdala, causing the affected person to become open or vulnerable to external suggestion.

This is one of the most popular theories behind mass hypnosis.

Of course, there are other theories offered about the nature of mass hypnosis, but at this point everything is still up for discussion.

Nevertheless, you may be glad to know that anyone can do mass hypnosis.

All it takes is a certain degree of rapport and connection with your audience.

Consider, for example, motivation speakers.

Those guys establish a good rapport with their audience, and this allows them tap into people’s subconscious thoughts.

Once you’ve established this feeling among your audience, you will be able exploit their desires.

mass hypnosis in US congressAlthough this may seem somewhat arcane, it’s not as hard as it sounds.

All you need to remember is that most people’s needs are based on their instincts.

Understanding people’s instincts, especially in a mass gathering is one of the key goals of mass hypnosis.

You can exploit all kinds of natural and instinctive urges, including the urge to make money, the urge to feel good about oneself, the urge to have comfort, and even the urge to have sex.

All these urges can be manipulated in one way or another through mental association.

This is one of the reasons why marketing ads often have attractive images and backgrounds.

It stimulates the human instincts and associates them with the products being advertised.

After you have established a good rapport with your audience, they will instinctively feel that you have the means to satisfy their subconscious needs.

From this point on, the audience will be open to further manipulation.

People who are adept in mass hypnosis will then begin telling their audience whatever they want to hear to build up their trust.

The Dark Side of Mass Hypnosis

As appealing as this may sound, it’s also important for us to remember that mass hypnosis has its dark side.

Various industries and scams use mass hypnosis on people to manipulate and control them.

Scientology uses mass hypnosis; A few good examples include the Aum Shinrikyu cult in Japan, the People’s Temple cult and various other organizations that rely on distorting the perceptions of their members.

You’ve probably heard of religious cults recruiting members of the public into their belief system only to exploit them.

People fall for this because their beliefs are in line with the cult’s beliefs, and therefore, it’s easier to take advantage of someone when they’re already in agreement with you.

Adolf Hitler took this to the extreme and convinced millions to go against the Jewish people.


On the other hand, when mass hypnosis is used for good intentions, it can really help improve the lives of a lot of people.

Some of the principles of mass hypnosis are used in therapy and in support groups to help their members overcome certain obstacles in their lives.

In this sense, at least, we can say that mass hypnosis has its benefits.



World's Largest Mass Hypnosis Session Attempt by Canada's Most Hilarious Hypnotist JimmyG








Hypnosis: Can't Stop Laughing



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