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Repeal new surveillance laws petition


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Guys, I really need your help with this one -

A bill was recently passed in the UK under the name "Snoopers' Charter" dubbed as 'one of the most extreme surveillance laws ever passed in a democracy' which is going to allow unprecedented levels of power of surveillance over UK citizens.

This will no doubt influence big film studios to get involved in collecting the citizen's browser/download activity.

I'd really appreciate it if you could sign the petition and verify it by email -


Almost 200k signed at the moment. We're going to need a lot more! Please share this where you can, it all helps.

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If you don't live in the UK your signing won't count.  I have said it before but I will say it again, if you aren't doing anything wrong then what difference does it make if they are looking at what you are doing.  People need to understand that a few always ruin things for the majority and with all the DDoS attacks, bank and business hacks, etc, governments are going to react to protect their infrastructure and economic status.  Personally, after having a credit card hacked twice, I fully support surveillance of the internet.  I'm not saying I am an angel, I just don't do things where anyone can easily see them and not to others, at least, online.

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8 hours ago, straycat19 said:

if you aren't doing anything wrong then what difference does it make if they are looking at what you are doing.


you should watch SNOWDEN (2016) Movie and then you will understand that any info even if not necessarily a bad thing, still can be used against you by somebody.

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