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Build your fist portable App’s using .paf assistant!


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If you are new on building portable App’s you can watch YouTube videos etc. but there is a hand full of files that have to be build. Not the build process is the problem, but you have to know what to insert in the different files (not easy for a beginner).

I was searching for more / better information what I have to do to get a working .paf.exe and I found a small lite tool called paf assistant 1_1.zip (322 KB)


Wiki information:

.paf assistant is a simple Windows Form app where you select what .exe file of the app you want to 'paf, fill in all missing info and generate the corresponding appinfo.ini, launcher.ini, help.html, folder structure and so on with just some mouse clicks.

System requirements:

Windows 7 or better (MAY work on Windows XP, but isn't tested)

Microsoft dot.NET Framework 4 or better

portableapps.com Launcher Generator

portableapps.com Installer


If you don’t have VM ore Virtual Box installed, you can use ShadowDefender if the App you want to make portable needs installation.




After you are in shadow mode install the Application you want to make portable. Now you can start paf assistant




Follow all steps and fill out needed information. After this you can go to writhe




and if all done klick on auto-make. If you did not fill out everything correct like I did in the first picture the missing field is marked red. If everything was OK, you see




and the result is after a short time




with a real working paf.exe

This little tool is from 2014 and was not updated and the about page says



but all test I did ended with a working portable. The only error (better call it problem) is, that the created portable is unregistered = if you use paf assistant you must insert needed reg info etc. in your upload.

I am sure that portable apps professionals can tell you some tricks to get perfected portables but for beginners this tool is a big help.

Download https://sourceforge.net/projects/pafassistant/

Wiki https://sourceforge.net/p/pafassistant/wiki/Home/

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