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Trump Administration & the Internet


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Be on watch!!!


"Under a President Donald Trump, cable and phone companies could gain new power to influence what you do and what you watch online — not to mention how much privacy you have while you’re at it"

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Under the coming administration, a laxer FCC could result in even higher cable and internet bills, worse customer service and fewer choices, says Harold Feld, senior vice president at public-interest group Public Knowledge.

They already do most cable companies  and  ISP  provider are owned by Hollywood  i don't care when i want  toowatch something  i just  watch it. i never sign in to my satellite  provider to watch stuff anyway  my internet is crap i can download videos faster than i can stream them   .  You don't have no privacy no way 



We have listen too these libtrads for the next 4 years when we lost most of our privacy under Obama already  If  remember correct HRC was backed by tons of Hollywood supporters   ?  The man has not even got in there yet  The Film industry has existed 121 years and all my life there's always been plenty  to watch people are spoiled  when i was a growing up we didn't always have cable even i watched TV using rabbit ears and rented VCR  tapes  from rental shops  and still we had stuff to watch and we  enjoyed  it much more than kids do today who take it for granted ..  now days  people think you need Hollywood to live, read a book or something for a change .


Most USA news is written by the Left  ,  Doom and Gloom they get paid  to scare you , I could write a book about how things on the internet  and real life has changed  under Obama for the worse  and I did not need the media to figure it out  go over to privacy sites and read the comments . The media don't have no crystal ball and for next 4 years we will have to listen to them bashing the president .. He should  get  laws passed  making it  illegal to post fake  news  and that  would fix libtraded press for good!

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last time I saw rabbit ears ...they were on a playboy bunny at a bar in vegas.... in fact, there were several sets of rabbit ears...bunny tails too...

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12 hours ago, steven36 said:

He should  get  laws passed  making it  illegal to post fake  news  and that  would fix libtraded press for good!

i get what u mean by it, but can u imagine the outcome of such laws?


most articles are exagerated or SF... they should at least be branded :P

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16 hours ago, steven36 said:


They already do most cable companies  and  ISP  provider are owned by Hollywood  i don't care when i want  toowatch something  i just  watch it. i never sign in to my satellite  provider to watch stuff anyway  my internet is crap i can download videos faster than i can stream them   .  You don't have no privacy no way 



We have listen too these libtrads for the next 4 years when we lost most of our privacy under Obama already  If  remember correct HRC was backed by tons of Hollywood supporters   ?  The man has not even got in there yet  The Film industry has existed 121 years and all my life there's always been plenty  to watch people are spoiled  when i was a growing up we didn't always have cable even i watched TV using rabbit ears and rented VCR  tapes  from rental shops  and still we had stuff to watch and we  enjoyed  it much more than kids do today who take it for granted ..  now days  people think you need Hollywood to live, read a book or something for a change .


Most USA news is written by the Left  ,  Doom and Gloom they get paid  to scare you , I could write a book about how things on the internet  and real life has changed  under Obama for the worse  and I did not need the media to figure it out  go over to privacy sites and read the comments . The media don't have no crystal ball and for next 4 years we will have to listen to them bashing the president .. He should  get  laws passed  making it  illegal to post fake  news  and that  would fix libtraded press for good!

So true. The media spreading so much hate on the man, and he's not even in yet, but the thing that gets me though is how people accept these info and run with it without any proof. The system is already screwed and Trump had nothing to do with it.

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We now have to use our own minds to determine what is 'real news' and what is 'fake news'.  What ever you hear, read or see, do not blindly believe.  I always thought propaganda only existed in communist countries.  Now propaganda has migrated to America.

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6 hours ago, jbleck said:

i get what u mean by it, but can u imagine the outcome of such laws?


most articles are exagerated or SF... they should at least be branded :P

I posted the news here before most articles get  rewrote a 1000 times  that's what journalist  do is twist the source around to fit there own agenda ..The left writes the news they hate Trump .Say Trump does something positive they will turn it into a negative. .


1 hour ago, flash48 said:

We now have to use our own minds to determine what is 'real news' and what is 'fake news'.  What ever you hear, read or see, do not blindly believe.  I always thought propaganda only existed in communist countries.  Now propaganda has migrated to America.

There's fake news about fake news as well, not all news the main stream media claim is fake  is fake,  it just don't fit there agenda so they brand it as fake. . something saying that this could happen or that could happen and it not happen yet is not news at all that's trying to tell the future , It not news tell it happened , And once something happens even if true  and nothing has changed  to make it better or worse , and they keep posting it over and over it's just rehash journalist  use to fit there agenda.


Some news for instance is wrote based on something someone said at some message board , A username at a message board is not a credible source  to write a news story about. A lot of times i go back  look at the source and that user have been deleted . Some journalist don't really write the news at all .They wait tell the news is posted and people that fit there agenda to post there opinion and they write about others opinions.



And the ones I dislike most are the ones who write opinion based articles using others opinion and give no credit and make like it was there idea when it was someone else's opinion to began with.




If a lot of so called news stories are based on what people say at twitter or reddit  what good is the news at all ? i can go there and read it for myself  and it not even been twisted ! Many  journalist are like false prophets they try to prophesize the future and  most the time it never comes to pass  and if it does come to pass it was just a lucky  guess and 99% of the time if it do happen it never comes out the way they say it was . 

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This is already taking place in the UK -


It's being dubbed as the 'most extreme surveillance law ever passed in a democracy '. Of course, the politicians making these laws have made themselves exempt from them.


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8 hours ago, jbleck said:

He should  get  laws passed  making it  illegal to post fake  news  and that  would fix libtraded press for good!


Just Trump's demeanor and the way things will change under his office will make these LIBTARDS obsolete, They won't even preach to their own choir, they'll be preaching to emptiness

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